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or the specific use of the land for Residential Development. <br /> Educational Facility: The public buildings and equipment, structures and special educational use areas of a <br /> school that are built, installed or established to serve educational purposes, as defined in Section 1013 . 01 (6), <br /> Fla. Stats . <br /> Educational Facilities Plan : The School District' s annual comprehensive capital planning document that <br /> includes a long range plan for facility needs over a five-year, ten-year and twenty-year planning horizon . <br /> Education Plant Survey: a systematic study of present educational and ancillary plants and the determination <br /> of future needs to provide appropriate educational programs and services for each student based on <br /> projected capital outlay FTE' s approved by the Department of Education. <br /> Elected Officials Oversight Committee (EOOC) : See Section 3 .3 . <br /> Exempt Local Government: A municipality which is not required to participate in school concurrency when <br /> meeting all the requirements for having no significant impact on school attendance, pursuant to Section <br /> 163 . 3177( 12)(b), F . S . Florida Statutes. <br /> Fall FTE: A fall semester count of all "full-time equivalent" students, pursuant to Chapter 1011 .62, Florida <br /> Statutes . <br /> Financial Feasibility : A determination that sufficient revenues are available to meet projected costs of projects <br /> within the School District Five Year Facilities Work Program. For the first 3 years, funds will be available <br /> from committed funding sources. For years 4 and 5 , funds will be available from committed or planned <br /> funding sources . <br /> Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity: The number of students that may be housed in a <br /> facility in accordance with the State Department of Education . The capacity, with respect to a particular <br /> school, may reasonably be modified by the School District to accommodate "special considerations" as set <br /> out in the definition of "Maximized Utilization", including special programs for which 100% of FISH <br /> capacity is prohibited legally or is educationally unsound as determined by the School District, <br /> Impact Assessment Statement: A report evaluating the effect that a proposed new school will have on <br /> municipal services and facilities and the effect that a proposed new school will have on adjacent and nearby <br /> properties. An Impact Assessment Statement shall include a review of the criteria within Section 6 . 5 of this <br /> agreement. <br /> Level of Service (LOS) : The comparison of public school enrollment to School Capacity in a given School <br /> Service Area. <br /> Level of Service (LOS) Standard (schools) : The adopted, maximum acceptable percentage of school <br /> utilization within a School Service Area. Level of Service is determined by dividing the total number of <br /> students for all schools of each type (elementary, middle and high) in each School Service Area by the total <br /> number of Permanent Student Stations for that Type of School in each School Service Area as provided in <br /> Section 13 . 3 herein. <br /> Local Governments : The County, the towns, and the Cities in Indian River County. <br /> Local Enrollment Forecast: Enrollment projection prepared by the school board staff or their representative . It <br /> F'\Community Development\Users\LONG RANGE\CompPlan Amendinents\Public Schools\UpdatesULA\FINAL IRC Interlocal Agreement - January 31, 2008 doc <br /> 4 <br />