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2.2 The Elected Officials Oversight Committee shall, at a minimum, meet every year (2"d Friday in April of <br />each year, at the County Administration Building) in joint workshop sessions. The joint workshop <br />sessions will be opportunities for representatives of the County Commission, the City Councils, and the <br />School Board to set direction, discuss issues, and reach understandings concerning issues of mutual <br />concern regarding coordination of land use and school facilities planning, including population and student <br />growth, development trends, school needs, off-site improvements, and joint use opportunities. The County <br />Planning Director will be responsible for making meeting arrangements and providing notification. <br />2.3 The meetings discussed in 2.1 and 2.2 of this Agreement shall ensure that this Interlocal Agreement is <br />implemented in a timely and efficient manner. In addition, the meetings subject to 2.2 shall be noticed to <br />the public, and public comment shall be received. <br />Section 3. Student Enrollment Projections <br />3.1 The School Board shall utilize the Department of Education (DOE) countywide student enrollment <br />projections. The School Board may request that the DOE projections be adjusted to reflect actual <br />enrollment and development trends not anticipated by the DOE projections. In formulating such a request, <br />the school board will coordinate with the municipalities and county regarding future population projections <br />and growth. <br />3.2 The staff working group committee at its first meeting each year will review, adjust if needed, and approve <br />school board's staff allocation of projected student enrollment into sub -county planning sectors. The <br />planning sectors will be established by the staff working group. <br />3.3 The school enrollment projections and their allocation to sub -county planning sectors will be included in <br />the educational facilities report provided to the county and cities each year as specified in subsection 4.2 of <br />this Agreement. <br />Section 4. Coordinating and Sharing of Information <br />4.1 The School Board shall coordinate and share information with the County and Cities as follows. <br />4.2 Educational Facilities Report: By November 1 of each year, the School Board shall submit to the County <br />and each City its educational facilities report (five-year work program). The report will contain <br />information in tabular, graphic, and textual formats detailing existing and projected five year school <br />enrollment, existing educational facilities and their capacity to be expanded, their locations, the number of <br />portables in use at each school, and projected needs. The report will also contain the board's capital <br />improvement plan, including planned facilities with funding over the next 3 years, and the educational <br />facilities representing the district's unmet need. The report will provide data for each individual school <br />concerning permanent school capacity based on Department of Education criteria and enrollment at each <br />individual school based on actual counts. The report will show the generalized locations where new <br />schools will be needed. The report will indicate properties the School Board has already acquired through <br />developer donation, or properties on which there is a developer obligation to provide property to the school <br />board at the school board's discretion, or properties acquired through other means that are potential school <br />sites. <br />4.3 When considering a significant renovation or a closure of a school facility, the school board shall notify the <br />appropriate city in which the school is located or the County Planning Division prior to any significant <br />renovation or closure activities. Significant renovations encompass projects that increase or decrease a <br />school's capacity by 10% or more, or increase a school's total building square footage by 10% or more. <br />4.4 The County and Cities shall coordinate and share information with the school board as follows: <br />5 <br />