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J <br />Gladys Vigliano, County Welfare Wq ur..,appeared; bsforo ,the Boacd <br />and.gave a of some of her ictivities.for the month of'Gatober <br />and filed a written report with the Board. <br />Rosemary Richey, Supervisor of Registration, appeared before the <br />Board and requested purchatse an adding machine. Motion was <br />made by CommissLoner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unami= <br />mously carried, that the request be granted. <br />EarlSmith appeared before the Board and presented an application <br />for a pistol permit. After considerable discussion, Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Macdonald,'seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously <br />carried,.that upon the recommendations of the Sheriff the pistol permit is <br />approved; and the Clerk authorized to issue license for .22 pistol. <br />Charles Herring, AlA right of way Attorney, reported that they <br />were down to the last 350 feet in the acquisition of the AlA right of way <br />and felt the balance would have to'be condemned. <br />After some discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, that Dr. Guerin <br />be paid $500.00 for AIA right of way. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell and unanimously carried, that Attorney Charles Herring be authorized <br />to file condemnation on all parcels Qn AlA that we have been unable to settle. <br />The County Attorney reported on the progress made thus far in the <br />acquisition of right of way for Roseland Road. After considerable discussion, <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers, <br />that the following action be taken; <br />1. It was authorized to pay Mr. and Mrs. Mesec $1,250.00 for Parcel <br />114.1, being $1,054.00 from'Secondary Funds and $196.00 from the Road and <br />Bridge Fund. <br />2. It was authorized to pay Mr. Rankin $481.69 for Parcels 125.1 and <br />155.1, being $135.00 from Secondary Funds and $346.69 from the Road and Bridge <br />Fund. <br />3. it was authorized to pay Mr. Warner $300.00 for Parcel 138.1, <br />being $50.00 from Secondary Funds and $250.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund. <br />BOOK 8 ?AGE 8i <br />