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B . Owner will furnish a RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE to assist OWNER and ENGINEER <br /> in providing more extensive observation of the Work. Contractor is responsible to give 24-hour notice on <br /> all required inspections so that the RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE may be present. <br /> SC 9 . 04A Delete the third sentence of paragraph 9 . 04A of the General Conditions in its entirety and <br /> replace with the following : <br /> However, if Contractor claims entitlement to additional time or money as a result of the Field Order, such <br /> entitlement is conditioned upon obtaining a Change Order authorized and executed by Owner after timely <br /> making a Claim as provided in the Contract Documents. <br /> SC 9 .06A . Delete the word "ENGINEER" in all instances in the first sentence of paragraph 9 . 06A . of the <br /> General Conditions and replace with the following: <br /> "ENGINEER, OWNER ' S REPRESENTATIVE or RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE" <br /> SC 9 . 08 -A . Delete the word "ENGINEER" in the first sentence of paragraph 9 . 08A . of the General <br /> Conditions and replace with the following: <br /> "ENGINEER, OWNER ' S REPRESENTATIVE or RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE" <br /> SC 9 . 08 -A . Delete the second sentence of 9 . 08A of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with <br /> the following: <br /> Except for: (a) Claims for differing subsurface or physical conditions governed by paragraph 4 .03 ; and (b) <br /> claims for time extensions governed by paragraph 12 . 03 , all matters in question and other matters between <br /> Owner and Contractor arising prior to the date final payment is due, relating to the acceptability of the <br /> Work and the interpretation of the requirements of the contract documents pertaining to the performance of <br /> the Work, will be referred initially to Engineer in writing within 15 days after occurrence of the event <br /> giving rise to such Claim or within 15 days after the claimant first recognizes the condition giving rise to <br /> the Claim, whichever is later; provided , however, the Owner shall make all final determination of such <br /> matters . <br /> SC 9 . 08 -C Delete paragraph 9 . 08 -C of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 9 . 08 -1) Delete paragraph 9 .08 -1) of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 10 . 03 A . 3 Delete subparagraph 10 . 03 .A. 3 of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 10 .05 . A Delete paragraph 10 . 05 .A of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with the <br /> following: <br /> A. All Claims shall initially be referred to the Engineer for decision . <br /> SC 10 . 05 .B Delete paragraph 10 . 05 .B of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with the <br /> following: <br /> Except for: (a) Claims for differing subsurface or physical conditions governed by paragraph 4 .03 ; and (b) <br /> claims for time extensions governed by paragraph 12 .03 , Claims by either party shall be initiated within 15 <br /> 044572017 <br /> 00800- 11 <br />