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2008-276 A
Official Documents
2008-276 A
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4/11/2016 10:13:27 AM
Creation date
10/1/2015 12:33:44 AM
Official Documents
Official Document Type
Approved Date
Control Number
Agenda Item Number
Entity Name
Interstate Engineering Corp.
South RO Water Treatment Improvements Conditions of Contract
South RO Water Treatment Plant
Project Number
UCP 2859
Bid Number
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B . Owner will furnish a RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE to assist OWNER and ENGINEER <br /> in providing more extensive observation of the Work. Contractor is responsible to give 24-hour notice on <br /> all required inspections so that the RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE may be present. <br /> SC 9 . 04A Delete the third sentence of paragraph 9 . 04A of the General Conditions in its entirety and <br /> replace with the following : <br /> However, if Contractor claims entitlement to additional time or money as a result of the Field Order, such <br /> entitlement is conditioned upon obtaining a Change Order authorized and executed by Owner after timely <br /> making a Claim as provided in the Contract Documents. <br /> SC 9 .06A . Delete the word "ENGINEER" in all instances in the first sentence of paragraph 9 . 06A . of the <br /> General Conditions and replace with the following: <br /> "ENGINEER, OWNER ' S REPRESENTATIVE or RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE" <br /> SC 9 . 08 -A . Delete the word "ENGINEER" in the first sentence of paragraph 9 . 08A . of the General <br /> Conditions and replace with the following: <br /> "ENGINEER, OWNER ' S REPRESENTATIVE or RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE" <br /> SC 9 . 08 -A . Delete the second sentence of 9 . 08A of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with <br /> the following: <br /> Except for: (a) Claims for differing subsurface or physical conditions governed by paragraph 4 .03 ; and (b) <br /> claims for time extensions governed by paragraph 12 . 03 , all matters in question and other matters between <br /> Owner and Contractor arising prior to the date final payment is due, relating to the acceptability of the <br /> Work and the interpretation of the requirements of the contract documents pertaining to the performance of <br /> the Work, will be referred initially to Engineer in writing within 15 days after occurrence of the event <br /> giving rise to such Claim or within 15 days after the claimant first recognizes the condition giving rise to <br /> the Claim, whichever is later; provided , however, the Owner shall make all final determination of such <br /> matters . <br /> SC 9 . 08 -C Delete paragraph 9 . 08 -C of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 9 . 08 -1) Delete paragraph 9 .08 -1) of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 10 . 03 A . 3 Delete subparagraph 10 . 03 .A. 3 of the General Conditions in its entirety <br /> SC 10 .05 . A Delete paragraph 10 . 05 .A of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with the <br /> following: <br /> A. All Claims shall initially be referred to the Engineer for decision . <br /> SC 10 . 05 .B Delete paragraph 10 . 05 .B of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with the <br /> following: <br /> Except for: (a) Claims for differing subsurface or physical conditions governed by paragraph 4 .03 ; and (b) <br /> claims for time extensions governed by paragraph 12 .03 , Claims by either party shall be initiated within 15 <br /> 044572017 <br /> 00800- 11 <br />
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