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following : . <br /> If, the uncovered Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract <br /> Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, directly attribut—able to such uncovering, exposure, <br /> observation, inspection, testing, replacement, and reconstruction . <br /> SC 13 . 06A Delete the words : "arbitration or" in line 9 of paragraph 13 . 06 .A of the General Conditions . <br /> SC 13 . 07A Add the following sentence at the beginning of paragraph 13 . 07 . 0 of the General Conditions : <br /> The Owner and Contractor agree that a warranty inspection shall be scheduled no later than eleven ( 11 ) <br /> months after final payment under this Contract so that the Owner and the Contractor may inspect and <br /> otherwise examine the Work prior to the expiration of the Performance Bond <br /> SC 13 .07E Delete paragraph 13 . 07E of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with the <br /> following : <br /> Contractor' s obligations under this paragraph 13 . 07 are in addition to any other obligation or warranty. The <br /> provisions of this paragraph 13 . 07 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of <br /> any applicable statute of limitation or any way to limit the Contractor ' s continued liability for defective <br /> Work, including latent defects . <br /> SC 13 . 08A TWO changes : <br /> 1 . Delete the words : "arbitration or" in line 8 of paragraph 13 .08 . A of the General Conditions . <br /> 2 . Delete the phrase " (such costs to be approved by Engineer as to reasonableness)" in lines 10 and 11 of <br /> paragraph 13 . 08 .A of the General Conditions . <br /> SC 13 .09C Delete the words : "arbitration or" in line 4 of paragraph 13 . 09 . 0 of the General Conditions . <br /> ARTICLE 14 - PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION <br /> SC- 14 . 02A. 1 <br /> Delete the first sentence of paragraph 14 . 02 . A. 1 of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace with <br /> the following: <br /> On or before the tenth ( 10'') day of each month, the Contractor shall submit completed partial progress <br /> payment requests to the Engineer, as set forth herein . Contractor shall submit to Engineer for review an <br /> Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the date of <br /> the Application for Payment and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the <br /> Contract Documents . Such supporting documents shall include but not be limited to, the required <br /> Contractor' s certification; retainage as set forth in the Agreement; and a monthly dated CPM schedule for <br /> the Project. The Contractor shall make the following certification (Affidavit) on each Application for <br /> Payment : "I hereby certify that the labor and materials listed on this Application for Payment have been <br /> used in the construction of this Work and payment received from the last request for payment has been <br /> used to make payments to all subcontractors, laborers, material, men and suppliers except as listed below: <br /> "All payments by Indian River County as Owner shall be made in accordance with the Local Government <br /> Prompt Payment Act. Florida Statutes section 218 . 70 et. seq. <br /> SC- 14 . 02A. 3 <br /> Add a new paragraph immediately after paragraph 14 . 02A. 3 of the General Conditions, which is to read as <br /> follows : <br /> 044572017 <br /> 00800- 14 <br />