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4 . If this Project is an addition to an existing working plant, then the Contractor shall coordinate with <br /> the Owner on tie-ins . The Owner shall have final say on plant shut down times and duration to make tie- <br /> ins . <br /> ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS : INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE <br /> SC-3 . 01C <br /> Add a new paragraph immediately after Paragraph 3 . 01 C of the General Conditions which is to read as <br /> follows : <br /> D . Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in these Contract Documents <br /> shall be deemed to be inserted herein, and they shall be read and enforced as though it were included <br /> herein <br /> SC3 . 03A . 3 Delete existing 3 . 03A . 3 of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace it with the <br /> following : <br /> Contractor shall not be liable to Owner or Engineer for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity, <br /> or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless Contractor knew or, in the exercise of ordinary care, <br /> reasonably should have recognized such conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy and failed to report it in <br /> writing to the Owner and the Engineer. <br /> SC 3 . 03B Delete existing 3 .03B of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace it with the following <br /> B . Resolving Discrepancies. Except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the <br /> provisions of the Contract Documents shall be read together as a whole not in isolation so as to give meaning <br /> to each provision; however, to the extent there is a conflict or inconsistency between or among provisions , the <br /> strictest or most stringent standard shall apply. <br /> ARTICLE 4 - AVAILABILITY OF LANDS ; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS ; <br /> HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ; REFERENCE POINTS <br /> SC 4 . 01A Delete existing paragraph 4 . O1A of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace it with the <br /> following: <br /> A. Owner shall furnish the site. <br /> SC 4 . 01B Delete existing subparagraphs 4 . 01B of the General Conditions in their entirety <br /> SC 4 . 02A Delete 4 . 02 A . 1 of the General Conditions in its entirety and replace it with the following: <br /> A. Reports and Drawings: The Contract Documents may identify those reports of explorations and tests of <br /> subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site that Engineer has used in preparing the Contract <br /> Documents. Engineer has relied upon the data obtained from subsurface investigations made at the site in <br /> the form of test borings . Such data is in the form of boring logs, which are available upon request. Such <br /> logs and samples are not part of the Contract Documents. <br /> SC-4 . 02B <br /> 044572017 <br /> 00800-4 <br />