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■ Provide an electronic copy of School LOS report to the COUNTY for copying and <br /> distribution to the SCHOOL BOARD and municipalities <br /> ■ Attend one joint meeting to review School LOS report to be scheduled for February <br /> 10, 2006 . <br /> ■ Incorporate modifications and recommend LOS standards by school type and <br /> procedures for school concurrency. <br /> Task X. Needs Assessment (Based on Recommended LOS) <br /> KHA shall identify capital improvement needs to maintain recommended level of service <br /> standards . Deficiencies and surpluses in student stations shall be identified. In addition, KHA <br /> shall review fiscal implications of adopting the recommended public schools level of service <br /> standard(s) . To complete this task KHA will : <br /> ■ Prepare a Needs Assessment Report identifying deficiencies and surpluses in student <br /> stations and identifying fiscal implications of the recommended public schools level <br /> of service standard(s) . <br /> ■ Attend one School Board and one County Commission meeting to present the Needs <br /> Assessment Report <br /> An electronic copy of the Needs Assessment Report shall be provided to the COUNTY, for use <br /> by the COUNTY, SCHOOL DISTRICT and municipalities by February 19, 2005. <br /> Task XI. Revision of School Capital Improvements Program (CIP) <br /> Utilizing the information obtained from Task X, KHA shall identify any necessary changes to <br /> the school capital improvements program to maintain the adopted LOS . KHA shall identify <br /> specific sources of funding to be allocated for new capital facility projects and note any <br /> deficiencies in funding. To complete this task KHA will : <br /> ■ Prepare a School CIP Recommendations Report identifying new schools (general <br /> location) and expansions to existing schools, and tables and text indicating required <br /> new schools , student stations and anticipated costs . <br /> An electronic copy of the School CIP Recommendations Report shall be submitted to the <br /> COUNTY, for use by the COUNTY , SCHOOL DISTRICT and municipalities by February 22 , <br /> 2006 , <br /> Task XII: Draft Goals, Objectives and Policies for the PSFE <br /> Using the information gained from completed tasks, KHA shall develop draft goals , objectives , <br /> and policies for the PSFE . To complete this task, the following items shall be taken into <br /> consideration while drafting the goals objectives and policies : <br /> ■ An annual update process <br /> ■ School site selection <br /> ■ School permitting <br /> 6 <br />