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i <br />r <br />Tuesday, April 10, 1984 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, met in Special Session at the County <br />Commission Chambers,, 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, <br />on Tuesday, April 10, 1984, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. Present <br />were Don C. Scurlock, Jr., Chairman; Patrick B. Lyons, Vice <br />Chairman; Richard N. Bird; and William C. Wodtke, Jr. <br />Absent was Margaret C. Bowman due to illness. Also present <br />were Michael J. Wright, County Administrator; Gary <br />Brandenburg, Attorney to the Board of County Commissioners; <br />and Virginia Hargreaves, Deputy Clerk. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and announced <br />that it was for the purpose .of clarification of the County's <br />position regarding the proposed South Beach annexation by <br />the City of Vero Beach. It appears there has been a great <br />deal of misinformation on all sides as far as the County's <br />position, the City's, The Moorings, the property owners, <br />etc., are concerned. There has been a suggestion that the <br />County Commission initiated the request for annexation, and <br />that is totally untrue.. There is question about why the <br />Commission signed the consent card, and the Chairman <br />believed the obvious reason is that at the time there seemed <br />to be a very strong movement for annexation. The County <br />then became concerned about what would happen to the land we <br />acquired in that area fora public park if the annexation <br />did occur.: We, therefore, agreed to sign the consent card <br />based on the City entering into an agreement that we would <br />continue to develop that park under our master plan and the <br />City would not interfere. To ensure our long range develop- <br />ment plans, it was felt it was in the best interests of the <br />County to sign the agreement and agree to sign the consent <br />card. The Commission, however, took the position that we. <br />BOOK 56 PAGE` 67 3 <br />4 <br />AR -10_19 <br />