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9 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero Beach, Florida, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday, April 2, 1946, in regular meeting with <br />!'the followdng members of the Board presents W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman! Frank C. Vickers, R. <br />'W. Graves, Aibertc.-8�i Helseth and S. E. Glover. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorneg91 <br />E. E. Carter, - County Engineer, L. B. O'Steen, Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk, I <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Notary Public Bond for Paul B. Stevenson for $500.00 with American Surety Company of <br />'iNew Fork as surety was approved March 13, 19469 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit -Court, as pro- <br />vided by law. <br />Notary Public Bond for Mabel K. Holland in the sum of $500.00 with American Surety � <br />';Company of New Fork as surety was approved April 19 1946 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, <br />!as provided by law. it <br />At the request of Mrs. Gleason of the State Welfare Department, it was ordered that <br />'i <br />Maude J. Evans , Stuart, Florida, be paid the sum of.$25.00 per month to apply on the ex- <br />penses for the care of Mrs. Helen Sturm (age 81) Vero Beach, Florida. <br />On motion made by R. W. Graves, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously carried, <br />'pit was ordered the sum of $150.00 be paid to the Vero Beach High School Band for the purpose of <br />defraying the expense of said band to enter the State contest and to publicize Indian River <br />County. <br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was instructed to publish.,.a notice in the Vero Beach <br />Tress Journal prohibiting the dumping of refuge on public road rI ts-of•way. <br />It was ordered the sum of $50.00 be appropriated from the General Revenue Rand for the <br />on the several county assessment rolls <br />r�purpose of fixing the bindersAocated in the vault of the county Commissioner's room. <br />J. B. Tipping President, together with Leon Knight and H. H. Giffordo members and re- <br />presentativesof the Indian River County Rod and Gun Club, appeared before the Board and re- <br />i,quested a report to date regarding the Blue Cypress Lake road. Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney <br />(representing the Board, gave an oral report as to the procedure and action which had been taken <br />"by the County up to the present. <br />Alice Helleso, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and -made a report of her activi-r!' <br />,ties for the month of March, said report being on file in the Clerk's office. <br />I <br />Honorable Alex MadWilliam appeared before the Board and entered into discuitsion with <br />b 'I <br />;regard to the present condition and the future of the Winter Beach bridge. Mr. MadWilliam <br />jstated that he would further discuss the matter with Attorney Charles A. Mitchell and that <br />they would endeavor to determine the best and proper procedure to follow in order to -determine ( <br />What could be done and if so the nature of the same. <br />Application for transfer of beverage license (see See.•561.32 Florida Statutes 1941) <br />,from Paul Gramling (Ann1b Tavern) to Stanley Franks and Paul Gramling was approved. j <br />Application for transfer of beverage license (See Sec. 561.32 Florida Statutes 1941' <br />from Fellsmere Baal and Liquor Store to Willis Harrison Piper as (Fellsmere Bar and Liquor Store <br />was approved. <br />E. E. Carter' County Engineers was requested to contact a representative of the State i, <br />Road Department for the purpose of relieving the drainage problem which confronts property owned;!, <br />by Mrs. May C. Heath located on Road 30 approximately 8 miles best of Vero Beach. <br />The Board proceeded to and did name and select the following persons as inspectors <br />lu <br />and clerk of election of the various precincts to hold and conduct the primary election to be <br />`held Tuesday, May 71 1946, to -wits <br />i <br />PRECINCT NO. 1. ROSELA.ND <br />J. L. Hannett, Edna Holzelaw and May Matthews , Inspectors and L.,Ashburner, Clerk. Voting Place, <br />