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Name Surety CoroRany. Amount <br />Walter A. Siewert American Surety Company $500.00 <br />Roy Schick St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company 500.00 <br />H. Albert -Crawford Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company 500.00 <br />There being no further. business, on Motion made, seconded and carried the <br />Board then adjourned. <br />. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />ATTEST: <br />C a R <br />TUESDAY,,, MAY 3, 1955 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Courthouse <br />at Vero Beach, Indian River County, in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, <br />May 3rd, 1955, with the following members present: Commissioners N, C. Graves, Jr., Chairman, <br />J. J. P. Hamilton, H. C. Watts, Aubrey Waddell and Allison Warren. .Also present were E. E. <br />Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent, George Heath, Attorney, Sam T. Joyce, .Sheriff, and <br />Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The entire City Council of the City of Vero Beach, together with City Manager, <br />Charles C. Jewett, appeared before the Board and requested the County Commissioners to pay <br />t -h -e City of Vero Beach $200.00 per month for the salary of a radio operator and to split the <br />cost of maintenances:" of the City operated radio set-up. After considerable discussion in <br />the matter, it was so moved by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and <br />Carried. <br />_ The question was raised at the meeting by the City Council as to whether it <br />was the responsibility of the City or the County to maintain reads that come into the city. <br />Chairman Graves appointed Commissioner Warren, and Road & Bridge Superintendent, E. E. Carter <br />as a committee to work with City Manager Charles C. Jewett in order that a decision might be <br />arrived at, also with the thought in mind that by the City and County cooperating in the <br />matter of cost of malnteaance�,of roads and streets, also purchases of materials for construe - <br />tion and maintenance, that a savings might be effected for both City and County. <br />At the request of B. N. Brown, Sr. a tentative sketch of Tropicana Homesites, <br />embracing parts of Sections 20 and 21, Township 31, Range 39, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank <br />Vickers, was approved upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts, <br />and carried. <br />Mr. Robert F. Lloyd of the firm of Lloyd & Associates, Engineers & Surveyors, <br />appeared before the Board and stated that he represented fir. Van Busch and that Mr. Van Busch <br />• wanted to begin developing land acuss Bethel Creek wherein a bridge would be required from the <br />West side of the peninsular to an island and requested the County to supply concrete slabs <br />for said bridge to be used for public road with the understanding that Mr. Van Busch would <br />