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SECTION 00334 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE <br /> A . Subarticle 334 - 10 is modified by the addition of the following : <br /> No additional payment will be made for tonage in excess of the specified in - place <br /> density and tonnage . <br /> B . Payment shall be made under : <br /> Item No . 334 - 1 - 11 — Superpave Asphaltic Concrete — Ton . <br /> SECTION 00430 PIPE CULVERTS AND STROM SEWERS <br /> A . CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT ( CLASS III ) 60 " RCP : The concrete pipe culvert , <br /> Class III , shall be constructed in accordance with ASTM Designation C - 76 , Class <br /> III , Wall B . Any select bedding needed to stabilize pipe to be #57 or #4 rock . <br /> Select bedding will be included in the cost of the pipe . Minimum bedding depth to <br /> be 18 " and minimum width to be diameter of pipe . Cost of removal of unsuitable <br /> material beneath 18 " bedding shall be paid for as subsoil excavation item no . 120 - <br /> 4 , <br /> The work under this section shall include all materials , excavation , backfilling , <br /> tamping and disposal of surplus material . All required sheeting is to be included in <br /> the cost of pipe . Such price and payment shall be full compensation for all work in <br /> this section . <br /> Payment shall be made under : <br /> Item No . 430 - 11 -343 - Concrete Pipe Culvert ( Class III ) ( 60 " CD ) - Per Linear Foot <br /> B . CONCRETE PIPE JOINTS : Subarticle 430 - 7 . 1 . 1 is modified by the addition of the <br /> following : In addition to the rubber gaskets all round and elliptical concrete pipe <br /> shall have wrapped filter fabric jacket joints . The joint between the pipe and the <br /> structure shall also have a filter fabric jacket . These joints shall conform to INDEX <br /> 280 and have a minimum wrapping width of 1 foot on both sides of the exposed <br /> joint . The fabric must be long enough to overlap the outer circumference of the <br /> pipe joint by a minimum of 1 foot . Metal strapping will be used on both sides of the <br /> circumference of the pipe joint to secure the fabric . Other methods which will <br /> secure the fabric against the wall until the backfill is compacted will be considered <br /> for approval by the Engineer . The filter fabric shall be in accordance with Section <br /> 985 , and/or as modified by these special provision , for subsurface drainage . <br /> Payment shall be made under the unit price for concrete pipe . <br /> C . PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS : Subarticle 430 - 12 . 1 ( Page 389 ) . The <br /> text is deleted and the following substituted : <br /> " The quantities of pipe culvert to be paid for under this Section shall be the plan <br /> quantity in feet of concrete Pipe Culvert and High Density Polyethylene Pipe <br /> Culvert subject to the provisions of 9 -3 . 2 . Any additions or deletions thereto , as <br /> authorized by the Engineer , shall be determined by plan dimensions , final <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP -8 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />