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measurement , or any combination thereof , as measured along the centerline of the <br /> completed and accepted pipe . " <br /> Pipe that has been patched significantly prior to delivery shall be grounds for <br /> rejection of pipe . <br /> Lifting holes on pipe culverts shall be grounds for rejection of pipe . ASTM <br /> Specification C - 76- 85A and AASTM Specification M170 - 89 are modified by the <br /> following : <br /> Significant patching of pipe prior to delivery shall be grounds for rejection of pipe . <br /> The exposure of the ends of the longitudinal stirrups or spacers that have been <br /> used to position the cages during the placement of the concrete may be a cause <br /> . for rejection by the Project Engineer . <br /> During construction , the Contractor is to maintain the storm sewer void of any <br /> silting material . Prior to final acceptance the Contractor or Engineer shall inspect <br /> and certify that the storm sewer is free of any construction material or debris and <br /> operates in a functional manner . Contractor shall remove silt and other material <br /> from sewer at no cost to Owner . Compensation shall be included in the <br /> maintenance of traffic lump sum item . <br /> SECTION 00575 SODDING <br /> A . Description : Sod for the project shall be of the variety that is common to the area <br /> and of a variety approved by the Engineer . This work shall also include mowing in <br /> accordance with Section 104- 7 . 2 to be mowed at 6 " height with a mulching <br /> mower . <br /> B . Work Included : Scope of Work : The work specified in this section consists of the <br /> establishing of a stand of grass , within the project , right-of-way , easements , and <br /> other areas indicated on the Drawings , by furnishing and placing grass sod . Also <br /> included are fertilizing , watering and maintenance as required to assure a healthy <br /> stand of grass . Two applications of fertilizer will be required with the initial <br /> application being fertilizer and the second application being "weed and feed " . <br /> C . Guarantee : All sodded areas shall be guaranteed for three months after date of <br /> final acceptance . <br /> Replacement of Defective Sod : Any dead sod or sod showing ( less than 95 % of a <br /> square) indication of probable non survival or lack of health and vigor , or which do <br /> not exhibit the characteristics to meet specifications , shall be replaced within two <br /> weeks of notice from Owner or Engineer . All replacement sod shall be <br /> furnished/installed at no additional cost to the Owner and shall be guaranteed for <br /> three months . All replacement shall meet original specifications . <br /> . The Contractor shall notify the Owner and Engineer ten days prior to the end of the <br /> guarantee period and such guarantee shall be extended until notification is <br /> received . <br /> At the end of the guarantee period , all sod that is dead or in unsatisfactory growth <br /> shall be replaced within two weeks . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP -9 <br /> a- FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral J\BID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />