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D . Fertilizer : Commercial fertilizers shall comply with the state fertilizer laws . <br /> The numerical designations for fertilizer indicate the minimum percentages <br /> ( respectively) of ( 1 ) total nitrogen , ( 2 ) available phosphoric acid and ( 3) <br /> ` water- soluble potash contained in the fertilizer . <br /> The chemical designation of the fertilizer shall be 16 -4 -8 . Fertilizer shall include <br /> �. iron , minor nutrients and trace elements . At least 50 percent of the nitrogen shall <br /> be derived from organic sources . At least 50 percent of the phosphoric acid shall <br /> be from normal super phosphate or an equivalent source which will provide a <br /> minimum of two units of sulfur . The amount of sulfur shall be indicated on the <br /> quantitative analysis card attached to each bag or other container . <br /> Contractor shall ensure 1 pound of nitrogen per 1 , 000 square feet . <br /> E . Water for Grassing : Contractor shall provide the water used in the sodding <br /> operations as necessary to meet the requirements of Article 570 -5 and 2 . 34 . 8 . <br /> ` F . Preparation of Ground : The area over which the sod is to be placed shall be <br /> scarified or loosened to a depth and then raked smooth and free from debris . <br /> Where the soil is sufficiently loose and clean , the Owner , at his discretion , may <br /> authorize the elimination of ground preparation . <br /> G . Application of Fertilizer : Before applying fertilizer , the soil pH shall be brought to a <br /> range of 6 . 0 - 7 . 0 . <br /> Contractor shall apply two (2 ) applications . The initial shall be fertilizer and the <br /> second application shall be "weed and feed " . <br /> The fertilizer shall be spread uniformly over the sodded area at the rate of 436 <br /> pounds per acre , or 10 pounds per 1 , 000 square feet , by a spreading device <br /> capable of uniformly distributing the material at the specified rate . <br /> Contractor shall apply applications as per manufacturer' s specification . All tickets <br /> from bags shall be handed over to the County Inspector . <br /> On steep slopes , where the use of a machine for spreading or mixing is not <br /> practicable , the fertilizer shall be spread by hand and raked in and thoroughly <br /> - mixed with the soil to a depth of approximately 2 inches . <br /> H . Placing Sod : The sod shall be placed on the prepared surface , with edges in close <br /> contact and shall be firmly and smoothly embedded by light tamping with <br /> appropriate tools . <br /> Where sodding is used in drainage ditches , the setting of the pieces shall be <br /> staggered so as to avoid a continuous seam along the line of flow . Along the edges <br /> of such staggered areas , the offsets of individual strips shall not exceed 6 inches . <br /> In order to prevent erosion caused by vertical edges at the outer limits , the outer <br /> pieces of sod shall be tamped so as to produce a featheredge effect . <br /> Where sodding is placed abutting paved shoulder , the contractor is to ensure that <br /> the finished sod elevation is 11/2 " below paved shoulder . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP - 10 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral ABID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />