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leakage tests and flushing of the piping . Flushing and pressure testing shall <br /> be conducted in the following order . <br /> B . After all piping lines have been installed and before pressure testing and final <br /> connections to existing equipment , each run of pipe shall be thoroughly <br /> flushed so as to remove all debris and foreign matter from the piping and <br /> equipment . Clean and flush all piping using potable water . Pigging of piping <br /> systems shall be incorporated in to this flushing procedure . Non - abrasive <br /> pigs shall be employed to clean the DHPE pipes . Sufficient flushing water <br /> and pigging shall be introduced into the piping to produce a discharge that is <br /> clear with no evidence of silt or foreign matter is visible . Contractor to <br /> provide means of discharging and disposing of water at Contractor's <br /> expense . <br /> C . Pressure testing ductile iron piping systems : <br /> 1 . The test pressure for the water piping , irrigation quality water piping , <br /> and force main piping systems constructed of ductile iron shall be <br /> 150 psi and this pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less <br /> than two hours . Tests shall be made between valves and as far as <br /> practicable and as approved by the Engineer . Potable water from the <br /> distribution system shall be used . Pressure shall not vary more than <br /> five (5 ) psi for piping during the test periods or as approved by the <br /> Engineer . Allowable leakage shall be computed on the basis of <br /> AWWA C - 600 . <br /> 2 . All leaks evident at the surface shall be uncovered and repaired <br /> regardless of the total leakage as indicated by the test , and all pipes , <br /> valves and fittings and other materials found defective under the test <br /> shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor' s expense . Tests <br /> shall be repeated until leakage has been reduced below the <br /> allowable amount . <br /> 3 . In the judgment of the Engineer , should it not be practical to follow <br /> the foregoing procedures exactly for any reason , modifications in the <br /> procedure shall be made as approved by the Engineer . In any event , <br /> the Contractor shall be responsible for the ultimate water tightness of <br /> the piping within the preceding requirements . <br /> D . Pressure Testing HDPE Piping Systems <br /> 1 . The test pressure for all piping systems shall be 150 psi and this <br /> pressure shall be maintained for a period of two hours . Testing <br /> procedure shall be as follows . <br /> a . Completely fill pipe with clean water and remove all air from pipe <br /> to be tested . <br /> b . Allow water in pipe to equalize with surrounding <br /> ground/groundwater for 24 hours . <br /> c . Bring pipe being tested to test pressure . <br /> TECHNICAL PROVISIONS <br /> TP -21 <br /> FAPublic Works\Capital Projects\Oslo Road Lateral ABID DOCUMENTS\DIVISION 2 - Technical Provisions . doc <br />