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Donadio & Associates
Punch List Building 1 - 2nd Floor - West Half
New County Administration Building
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Indian River County Administration Complex <br /> Bldg. I - 2"d Floor - West - Punch List <br /> Tuesday - 07/17/07 & Thursday -07/ 19/07 <br /> July 26, 2007 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Corridor 2-108 (continued) <br /> 6. Right west outside comer of the south pilaster to the right borrowed light BLl- 511 finish is damaged and in <br /> that same location just above the middle back trim piece finish is damaged. <br /> 7. To the left of the south plastic laminate pilaster to the right of BL 1 - 511 wood base needs to be cleaned of <br /> glue. <br /> 8 . Head of borrowed light BL - 511 where the drywall meets the hollow metal frame needs to be sanded, <br /> caulked and repainted. <br /> 9. Joint in the cove molding above the left panel east panel or far right BL - 511 joint in the cove molding is <br /> unacceptable, very visible. <br /> 10. Inside corners of cove molding at borrowed light BLl - 511 needs to be caulked, voids in the cove molding. <br /> 11 . Bottom left and right comers of the hollow metal borrowed light BL ] - 511 needs to be sanded, caulked and <br /> repainted, drywall is very irregular where it meets the wood base. <br /> 12. Wood base opposite Door 2-801 finish is chipped. <br /> 13 . Outside face of Door 2- 114 center of door finish is damaged. <br /> 14. Wood base below side light of Door 2-801 has glue on the outside corner. Also, this sidelight is missing <br /> screws in the stop at the sill. Also, to the bottom left of the side light for hollow metal frame 2-801 glue on <br /> the wood base. <br /> 15 . Plastic laminate pilaster to the left of Door 2-801 left outside corner between the wood base and the black trim <br /> is chipped. <br /> 16. Wood base around this pilaster not set tight to the plastic laminate. Also, electrical outlet to the left of this <br /> pilaster needs cover plate installed . <br /> 17. Plastic laminate pilasters to the left, of left Door 2-115, the outside corners are chipped. <br /> 18. A/C diffuser in front of Door 2- 114, outside edge is damaged, needs to be repainted and caulked in place. <br /> 19. Hollow metal frame where it abuts the carpet to the right of Mechanical Room Door 2- 115A and left of 215B, <br /> void between the frame and the carpeting needs to be corrected. <br /> 20. Bottom right hollow metal doorframe for door 2- 115B where it abuts the drywall needs to be sanded, caulked <br /> and repainted. <br /> 21 . Plastic laminate pilasters just in front of entry Door 2-701 before leading to the alcove to that office area and <br /> Door 2-601 outside corners are chipped. Also, return on the columns opposite Door 2-701 and the return on <br /> the right column or the south column opposite Door 2- 116A, side finish is chipped, paint, etc. Needs to be <br /> cleaned from both returns on the columns. <br /> 22. Plastic laminate pilaster to the right of door 2- 115B carpet joint at the center of the pilasters unacceptable. <br /> 23 . Top right corner of Door 2- 116A needs to be sanded and repainted where it abuts the drywall . <br /> 24. Carpet in front of Door 2- 116A stains on the carpet. <br /> 25 . Door 2- 116A Corridor 108 side, right edge is chipped between the bottom and the middle hinge. <br /> 26. Wood base tope edge needs to be cleaned of paint. <br /> 27 . Ceiling tile to the top left of Door 2- 116A needs to be set flush into the grid. <br /> 28 . Wall mounted doorstop to the left of Door 2-601 needs to be secured. <br /> 29 . Drywall to the left of Door 2-601 where it abuts the hollow metal frame needs to be sanded, caulked and <br /> repainted. Also, true of the right side of the side light for Door 2-601 . <br /> 30. Wood base to the right and below the side light hollow metal frame for Door 2-601 gap is uneven, tapered. <br /> 31 . Doorstops should be added for Door 2-701 , door hitting the plastic laminate pilaster. <br /> 32. Top right inside corner of cove molding and drywall ceiling to the top of Door 2-601 , gaps in the cove <br /> molding, dirt, fingerprints on the drywall need to be sanded, caulked and repainted. That is also true of the <br /> inside corner to the top right of Door 2-701 . <br /> 33 . Drywall is rough and irregular around the sprinkler head and near the A/C grille in front of Door 2-701 . <br /> D O N A D I O <br /> & Associates, Architects , P.A. <br />
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