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Indian River County Administration Complex <br /> Bldg. 1 - 2nd Floor East End Punchlist - Friday 04/06/07 <br /> April 16, 2007 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Lab 228 <br /> 1 . To the left of 228A the drywall on the inside corner needs to be repainted completely . <br /> 2. To the right of Door 228A light switch needs to set plumb. Also top head of the drywall frame needs to be <br /> sanded and repainted, carpet adhesive, etc, on the wall . <br /> 3 . Top right of duplex outlet just to the left of Door 228B , mark on the drywall needs to be cleaned and <br /> repainted. <br /> 4. Door 228B inside face right side drywall has been sanded and re-caulked, this needs to be repainted . Also, <br /> the head at the drywall needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 5 . Ceiling grid that is front of Door 228D finish is chipped. <br /> 6. South wall to the left of the upper cabinets, drywall is full of black paint. This needs to be sanded and <br /> repainted. Also, to the left, this same wall on the left side of the base and upper cabinets there are a lot of <br /> chips in the paint, finish needs to be sanded and repainted completely . <br /> 7. Drywall completely under all the upper cabinets, need to he sanded where it has been chipped adjacent to the <br /> bottom side of the upper cabinetry . <br /> 8. All cabinetry needs to be caulked where it abuts the drywall . <br /> 9. North wall to the right of the base cabinet pencil marks on drywall need to be sanded and repainted. Also, to <br /> the right of the upper cabinets there is a definite irregularity in the drywall that needs to be sanded and <br /> repainted, so it is flush. Also, above that same area at the ceiling grid chip in the drywall . <br /> 10. Ceiling tile above Door 228A to the left of the Return Air Grille is scratch in the ceiling tile. <br /> 11 . Paneling in front of the access panel for above ceiling equipment, fingerprints on the ceiling tile. Also to the <br /> right towards Door 228B above the Fire Alarm Horn Strobe, the grid against the wall is bent and also, there <br /> are fingerprints on the access panel for the above ceiling equipment. <br /> 12 . Ceiling grid above the length of the West wall, the ceiling tile does not set flush in the grid, needs to be <br /> corrected. <br /> Storage 229 <br /> 1 . Drywall above door head on the door frame needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 2. Only the perimeter ceiling tile has been installed at this time and location at the sprinkler heads. <br /> 3 . Ceiling grid in the far Southwest comer is chipped . <br /> Training Room 230 <br /> 1. Door 230A inside face of door needs to be cleaned of drywall mud, etc . <br /> 2. Door frame 230A, left side needs to be patched and repaired, drywall pulling away from door frame. <br /> 3 . Outside comers of alcove to Door 230 need to be repainted . <br /> 4. Bottom right Door frame 230Apaint is chipped at the bottom right hinge. Also, drywall to the right of Door <br /> frame 230A needs to be caulked and repainted where it abuts the door frame and also at the vinyl base area <br /> drywall is very irregular needs to be sanded and repainted. Both left and right sides . <br /> 5 . Left side of Door frame 230A, drywall is irregular at the bottom left and upper left of the middle hinge needs <br /> to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 6. To the right of Door frame 230A, drywall where it abuts door frame needs to be sanded, caulked and <br /> repainted. Also, to the right of this area, right outside corner needs to be cleaned of dirt, sanded and <br /> repainted. <br /> 7 . South wall middle, West end electrical outlet drywall needs to be sanded and repainted, pin holes in the <br /> drywall and irregularities. Also, on this same wall on the far end paint needs to be removed. <br /> 8 . Accent wall West wall, drywall around the duplex electrical outlet needs to be sanded and repainted, very <br /> irregular and chips in the paint. <br /> 9. AV work is going on in this area. <br /> 10. Base cabinet on West wall, left or South end of the cabinet, no end panel installed. <br /> 11 . Cabinet on the West wall needs to be cleaned of dirt and debris on doors, countertops and backsplashes. <br /> D O N A D I O <br /> & Associates, Architects, P.A. <br />