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Indian River County Administration Complex <br /> Bldg. 2 — 1st Floor Punch List - Friday - 06/29/07 <br /> July 09, 2007 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Women's Restroom 230 (continued) <br /> 7 . Drywall ceiling where it has been damaged throughout needs to be patched and repaired and repainted. <br /> 8 . East wall running form the left corner of the Women' s Restroom down to the end of the Corridor to Area 206 <br /> numerous areas of wall need to be cleaned of dirt and debris, touched-up with paint above the vinyl base, etc. <br /> the complete length of the wall . <br /> 9. Corridor running from Open Office Area 209 down to the end of Corridor 222 ceiling tiles not in place . <br /> 10. Ceiling tile opposite Storage Room Door 231 is chipped. <br /> Storaee Room 231 <br /> 1 . Storage Room 231 is locked unable to inspect. <br /> 2 . Drywall between Door 231 and 226 needs to be touched-up with paint and cleaned of drywall, dirt and debris. <br /> 3 . Center of this wall above the vinyl base marks and chips in the drywall need to be patched and repaired. <br /> Exterior Stairwell 002 (Stair #2) <br /> 1 . Hollow metal door frame 002A is going to be replaced with a flush door. <br /> 2. Door frame needs to be touched-up with paint. <br /> 3. Exterior exit Door 002B needs to be touched-up with paint at the door and the jambs. <br /> 4. Top right of exterior Door 002B plaster is cracked, needs to be caulked and repainted. <br /> 5 . Hand rails need to be touched-up with paint where it has been chipped and repainted and actually there other <br /> chips in the paint. This needs to be sanded smooth and repainted. Unacceptable. <br /> 6. Risers at the stairs need to be repainted. <br /> 7 . Around the wall above mid-landing by the fire alarm hom strobe needs to be repainted where it has been <br /> patched and repaired. <br /> 8. Concrete floor at the 2nd floor landing where it abuts the kick plate is very irregular, needs to be cleaned and <br /> made level and smooth. Also, the tread at the I ' riser, where the steel stairs meet the concrete landing, there <br /> is a crack in the concrete. <br /> 9. Windows need to be cleaned of dirt and debris and plaster. Needs to be touched-up where it has been patched <br /> at the mid-landing at the 2nd floor landing, etc. <br /> 10. Top tread of the stairs is not level, exposed to the front, this needs to be corrected. <br /> 11 . Intermediate landing to the right, crack in the wall needs to be patched and repaired. That is also going up at <br /> inside corner at the north end at the intermediate landing. East wall right hand side corner, the corner is <br /> cracked, and left and right of that area of the wall is cracked going from landing up towards the 2"d floor <br /> ceiling . <br /> Reception Area 301 <br /> 1 . Door 301 A — Inside face of door needs to be cleaned of dirt, debris and scratches below the exit devices . <br /> 2. Ceiling tile above the left side of Door 301A is missing, not in place. <br /> 3. Top right comer hollow metal door frame needs to be sanded and repainted. <br /> 4. Bottom left of hollow metal door frame above the vinyl base, drywall needs to be cleaned and imperfections <br /> in the drywall sanded and repainted. <br /> 5 . Drywall to the right of hollow metal door frame 301 A needs to be sanded and repainted where paint is peeled <br /> off and have been painted over. <br /> 6. Vinyl base below the fire alarm horn strobe needs to be cleaned of fingerprints. <br /> 7. Electrical outlet on the west wall just opposite Door 304A, drywall needs to be sanded and repainted on the <br /> outlet, very irregular. Also, to the bottom left of this imperfection in the drywall needs to be sanded and <br /> repainted. <br /> 8. At this time the Systems Furniture is in place and laying up against the wall, some areas are hard to inspect. <br /> D O N A D I O <br /> & Associates, Architects, P.A. <br />