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IConstruction Manager- for- any oem-tit from Indian Rivef COUntY fbF the Proiect orier- to the aeceptance of heguaranteed Ma*inmm:n42riee-. <br /> § 2.2 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT TIME <br /> § 2.2.1'' When the Drawings and Specifications are s� � F�ient1; 100% complete, as certified by the Architect and <br /> accepted by the Owner, the Construction Manager shall propose a Guaranteed Maximum Price, which shall be the <br /> sum' of' the estimated Cost of the Work and the Construction Manager' s Fee. <br /> 2.2.2 As the Drawings and Specifieations may not be finished at the time the guaranteed Maximum P" . <br /> is prepared, the ConsiLruetion Manager shall provide in the Guamanteed Maximum P-r-iee for- further- devele .9ment o <br /> infer-able there&em. Such fuFther- development does not inelude such things as ehanges in seGpe,-&yAem&-, Idnds and <br /> quality of matefials, finishes E)r- equipment, all ef whieh, if Fequir-ed, shall be ineer-per-ated by Change Ofdxr-. <br /> § 2.2.3 The estimated Cost of the Work shall include the Construction Manager' s contingency, a sum esta lished by <br /> the Construction Manager for the Construction Manager' s exclusive use to cover costs arising under Section 2 <br /> 2.2. 1 and other costs which are properly reimbursable as Cost of the Work but not the basis for a Change Order. <br /> § 2.2.4 BASIS OF GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE <br /> The Construction Manager shall include with the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal a written statemer t of its <br /> basis, which shall include; <br /> .1 A list of the Drawings and Specifications, including all addenda thereto and the Conditions of the <br /> Contract, which. were used in preparation of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal. <br /> .2 A list of allowances and a statement of their basis. <br /> .3 A list of the clarifications and assumptions made by the Construction Manager in the preparation of <br /> the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal to supplement the information contained in the Drawings <br /> and Specifications. <br /> ,4 The proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price, including the cost of the Work as set forth in Article 6 of <br /> this Agreement and a statement of the estimated cost organized by trade categories, allowances, <br /> contingency, and other items and the Fee that comprise the Guaranteed Maximum Price, <br /> 5 The Date of Substantial Completion upon which the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price is based, <br /> and a schedule of the Construction Documents issuance dates upon which the date of Substantial <br /> Completion is based. <br /> § 2.2.51 The ConstructionManager shall Momptly meet with the Owner and Architect to review the Guaranteed <br /> Maximum Price proposal and the written statement of its basis. In the event that the Owner or Architect ' <br /> scover <br /> any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the information presented, they shall promptly notify the Construct on <br /> Manager, who shall make appropriate. adjustments to the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, its basis, or both. <br /> § 2.2.6 Unless the Owner accepts the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal in writing on or before the date specified <br /> in the proposal for such acceptance and so notifies the Construction Manager, the Guaranteed Maximum Price <br /> proposal shall not beeffeetive without written weeptanee by the Constfaction . ffective. <br /> § 2.2.7 Prior to the Owner' s written' acceptance of the Construction Manager' s Guaranteed Maximum Price. proposal <br /> and issuance of a Notice to Proceed, the Construction Manager shall not incur any cost to be reimbursed as part of <br /> the Cost of the Work, except as the Owner may specifically authorize in writing. <br /> § 2.2.8 Upon acceptance' by the Owner of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, the Guaranteed Maximum Price <br /> and its basis shall be set forth in Amendment No. 1 . The Guaranteed Maximum Price shall be subject to additions <br /> and deductionsby a change in the Work as provided in the Contract Documents, and the Date of Substantial <br /> Completion shall be subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents. <br /> § 2.2.9 The Owner shall authorize and cause the Architect to promptly revise the Drawings and Specificat ons to the <br /> extent necessary to reflect the agreed-upon assumptions and clarifications contained in Amendment No. 1 . Such <br /> revised Drawings and Specifications shall be furnished to the Construction Manager in accordance with s hedules <br /> agreed to by the Owner, Architect and Construction Manager. The Construction Manager shall promptly otify the <br /> Architect and Owner in writing if such revised Drawings and Specifications are inconsistent with the agr ed-upon <br /> assumptions and clarifications . <br /> AIA Document A121 TMCMc - 2003 and AGC Document 565. Copyright m 1991 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architects and The Associated <br /> General Contractors of America. All rights reserved. WARNING : This document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and Internati nal Treaties. 5 <br /> Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document, or any portion of IL may result In severe civil and criminal penaltle s, and will be <br /> prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 12:50:12 on 04/19/200 5 under Order <br /> No. 1000126313_1 which expires on 6/29/2005, and is not for resale. (1413727908) <br /> User Notes: `� <br />