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AUG 4 1965 <br />.BON 9 PACE x,04 <br />further that the Resolution adopted in 1956 be amended to exclude <br />beer and wine for consumption off the premises. <br />Mr. V. E. (Kinky) Orth appeared before the Board and offered to <br />deed the ditch easement (17') along 44th Avenue to the County in return <br />for the same amount of land to run with land he already owns. After - <br />having viewed the property in question with Mr. erth, and after <br />considerable discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Hatfield, <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried that the <br />County' the property owners on the west side of 44th <br />Avenue to determine the cost of additional right of way. <br />. Commissioner Macdonald reported that,after further examination <br />of the application to purchase submerged land in the Indian River in <br />-in vicinity of the.Wayside Park in Sebastian, by Mrs. Bertha M. Kjorsvik,. <br />there is no justified objection to the application; and moved that . <br />the County Engineer be instructed to make inquiries of Mrs. Kjorevik, <br />as to buying part of the .land.. she owns for park purposes. Motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried. <br />Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, submitted the E. & I. List on real <br />and personal property for the year 1964 and upon Motion by Commissioner <br />McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald,' and unanimously carried, <br />the same was accepted by the Board. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, a pistol permit was granted to <br />George Charles, Jr. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald, and unanimously carried, the request of Mrs. Rosemary Richey <br />to'attend the Annual Convention for Supervisors of Elections in <br />Jacksonville, August 18 through August 21 was granted. <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously carried, the appointment of James Lester Bishop <br />as a Deputy Sheriff of Indian River County was approved <br />Upon Motion by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald, the following Resolution was adopted; . <br />