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The County Administrator was instructed to process the proposed <br />development by Profeta and Frederick of Golf View Properties with the <br />Mosquito Control Board in accordance with their request presented at the <br />December 21 meeting. <br />Mr. Bill Marine, resident of Ixora Park, appeared before the Board, <br />complaining of the speeders in the Subdivision,' particularly between 20th <br />Avenue and 27th Avenue, and asked that something be done to stop the <br />speeding. Sheriff Joyce stated that his Department, has been in the area <br />in unmarked cars on several occasions and have not caught one speeder. He <br />suggested that Mr. Marine get the tag number, if he can identify the driver,., <br />,sign a warrant in the County Judge's office. <br />Mr. Marine was also present in regard to a Petition filed by Mr.' <br />William Kulp, and signed by 263 property owners and/or residents of the <br />area expected to be served by the proposed Citrus Elementary School, <br />requesting the Board of Public Instruction and the Board of County Com- <br />missioners to provide sidewalks, bicycle trails, and mechanical traffic <br />signals along the East and West sides of 27th Avenue from 8th Street.,South <br />to the South Relief Canal. After discussion, Commissioner McCullers <br />suggested that the Administrator notify the Board of Public Instruction that <br />the Petition has been received and ask for possible participation in con- <br />struction funds for the project, as was done at Rosewood School. Com- <br />missioner McCullers moved that the Administrator contact Mr. Clarence <br />Davidson, State Road Department, pointing out the necessity of the petitioner <br />request with the building of the new school, and ask that the request be <br />considered in the proposed design and evaluation of construction costs of <br />Emerson Avenue. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dritenbas and <br />unanimously carried. <br />A Petition received from Mrs. Arnold Kleine for a street light at <br />lOth Parkway and 30th Street was referred to the Administrator to see if <br />the location meets the criteria of the County for the installation of <br />Street lights. <br />The Administrator informed the Board that he has requested <br />the State Road Department to make a traffic check at the intersection of <br />30th Street and U.S.#1, and had been assured'that they would make a traffic <br />survey for a traffic control at that particulartcorner. <br />JAN 4795P <br />8Obk 10 eAcc153 <br />