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2008-213 (6)
Official Documents
2008-213 (6)
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Scheduling & Cost Control <br /> 1 . Do you use or provide computer generated schedules for the management of <br /> construction ? <br /> Yes . Ocean Gate utilizes Microsoft Project to prepare its project schedule. This <br /> software program allows us to plan each phase of the project in detail and helps to <br /> identify in advance activities that form the critical path. The critical path will indicate <br /> the progress of the schedule. Manufacturing lead times, availability of key <br /> equipment, owner requested milestones, and accurate activity durations are all key <br /> elements that are imputed into our schedules . <br /> 2 • To what level of detail should a construction schedule be defined ? How do you <br /> schedule the processing of shop drawings ? <br /> The project schedule should be just a minimum in conformance with the Contract <br /> Requirements and in sufficient detail to allow adequate control of the project. In <br /> order to provide adequate control, the project schedule should be formally reviewed <br /> and updated at least once every thirty (30) days . Progress is to be posted at least <br /> weekly. The project schedule should indicate critical shop drawing submittal and <br /> usually be a comprehensive Time Scale or Logic Chart.approval dates, critical equipment lead times and delivery dates . This <br /> schedule will <br /> Ocean Gate schedules the processing of shop drawings by first identifying lead items <br /> along with the project schedule to determine what shop drawings must be submitted <br /> and approved early in the project in order to maintain the project schedule without <br /> delays. <br /> 3 • How do you coordinate development of schedule information from <br /> subcontractors ? <br /> The assigned Project Manager will solicit the subcontractors input in developing a <br /> schedule. There are several ways in which Ocean Gate can assure compliance by the <br /> subcontractor. We involve the subcontractor as the schedule is being made. Ocean <br /> Gate can include it in the instructions to bidders prior to subcontractor bidding. WE <br /> can also include it as a Contract Document to the subcontractor. A third option is that <br /> Ocean Gate transmits the schedule with a letter that states -that the lack of a response <br /> by a set date constitutes acceptance. We will select a method to coordinate <br /> development of schedule information from subcontractors . <br /> 4 • State experience in handling crew loading and coordinated construction <br /> scheduling. <br /> Ocean Gate has completed more than 50 construction projects in the last 10 years . <br /> Each project requires extensive research for critical activities including coordination <br /> with subcontractors involved on the project. IN most cases, Ocean Gate is given a <br /> predetermined amount of days that we must complete the project in. Utilizing our <br /> knowledge and subcontractors ' knowledge of crew productivity, we are able to <br />
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