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determine wetland viability and discuss permitting issues. Qualitatively assess the site for <br /> threatened and endangered species listed by the Florida and U. S . Fish and Wildlife <br /> Departments. <br /> 2 . Geotechnical Investigation — Provide stake-out of proposed boring locations. Perform four <br /> (4) 20-foot CPT w/ borings under the elevated drop-off area, eight (8) 6-foot auger borings <br /> under proposed pavements, and three (3) 6-foot falling head permeability tests within the <br /> stormwater management area(s). Provide the field data and a technical evaluation of the <br /> anticipated groundwater table elevation, soil permeability, soil characteristics and reuse <br /> suitability, and bearing pressures for structural footers. <br /> 3 . Topographic and Tree Survey — Using the boundary surveys provided, survey both the new <br /> 3 . 75-acre and existing 1 .29-acre parcels making up the total project site. Provide a 50-foot <br /> grid for site elevations in the undeveloped areas along with any significant breaks in grade <br /> or topography between the grids. Locate existing site improvements and natural features of a <br /> dissimilar nature from the surrounding features. Locate and identify any on-site "protected" <br /> trees with a diameter at breast height (dbh) of 4 inches or greater. Survey all wetland <br /> delineation flags . <br /> 4. Topographic and Boundary Survey Drawing — Prepare a certified topographic, tree and <br /> boundary survey drawing of the site, meeting Florida Minimum Technical Standards and as <br /> required to meet Section 20-22 of the City of Fellsmere Land Development Regulations <br /> (LDR). <br /> TASK 3 — PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE <br /> 1 . Traffic Impact Analysis and Report - Meet with IRC Traffic Engineering staff to determine <br /> study requirements. Perform traffic analysis to determine existing trips, calculate future <br /> trips, turning movements, and impacted traffic links. Assign trip counts to traffic links for <br /> concurrency analysis. Determine major design criteria for off-site roadway improvements. <br /> 2 . Conceptual Facility Layout. Develop a conceptual layout for the Fellsmere Convenience <br /> Center, based on the desired level of service to be afforded to customers, the number of <br /> customers anticipated on a daily basis, the quantities and types of waste material anticipated, <br /> and the types of equipment to be used by the SWDD to operate and maintain the facility. <br /> Based on the existing SWDD concept for the facility, prepare a revised conceptual facility <br /> layout. Meet with SWDD staff to review and refine the conceptual layout prior to moving <br /> forward with preliminary site planning. <br /> 3 . Operations Building(s). Identify the type, size and layout of structures to be used for on-site <br /> operations building(s). Determine if operations building(s) must meet American' s Disability <br /> Act (ADA) requirements . Operations building(s) for this project are assumed to be pre- <br /> fabricated, self-contained structures that can be designed by the manufacturer with different <br /> layouts and amenities and delivered to the project site as complete units. <br /> S:\041077\Indian River County SWDD\Fellsmere Convenience CenterWttachment l .doc Page 2 of 8 <br />