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Services associated with design and or permitting with the reclaim water management and <br /> disposal system other than a 1 MGD wetland recirculation system from the wetlands (pump <br /> station and forcemain) are not included in this work order. <br /> II. Preliminary Engineering Services <br /> The preliminary engineering has a two-fold purpose : <br /> 1 . Define the project and its elements in sufficient detail to allow the iesign team to <br /> start developing plans and specifications <br /> 2 . Comply with the FDEP Engineering Report (ER) requirements for permitting <br /> purposes <br /> In order to expedite the design , our approach is to hold an Initial Process Evaluation <br /> Workshop immediately at the start of the project . The purpose of the workshop would be to <br /> review our proposed design concepts and other ideas from the design team and County staff <br /> (including operations ) . It is critical to make decisions quickly that affect the design of the <br /> plant . The intent of the Workshop is to make as many decisions as possible and to focus any <br /> special evaluations that are needed to avoid protracted alternatives evaluation ) . Nevertheless <br /> this is a critical part of the design and good sound decisions need to be made , as they will be <br /> the foundation for the rest of the design phase . <br /> PBS &J anticipates a 2 -3 week compressed evaluation phase followed by a second and Final <br /> Process Evaluation Workshop at which time all major decisions need to made in order to <br /> proceed with preliminary and final design . Major decisions will be documented in <br /> memorandum form and will be the basis for the Engineering Report . <br /> PBS &J estimates that if the required data and the reviews of the draft sub nittals can be <br /> provided in a timely manner, the final FDEP permit application package with associated <br /> documents can be completed and ready for submittal within 8 weeks of the Filial Workshop . <br /> The start of Final Design does not need to wait until the Final Completion of tf le Engineering <br /> Report . <br /> III. Final Design Services <br /> On the basis of the approved ER and when authorized to proceed by the County, the <br /> Consultant shall : <br /> A . WWTP DESIGN <br /> Prepare construction plans and specifications for the design of wastewater treatment <br /> plant as defined in the ER . For the purpose of establishing an exp cted level of <br /> effort , the Consultant anticipates the following facilities : <br /> IRC West WWTF Scope Page 3 6Y 1312005 <br /> CADoruments and Settings\kdonlevy\Loral Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\0LK20\W WPPEXPNASION Design Scope-Rqi Revised by RRM .dor <br />