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progress of the work, shall endeavor to guard IRC against defects and deficiencies in <br />such work and may disapprove or reject work as failing to conform to the permitted <br />design. <br />B. CDM will issue IRC instructions, interpretations, and clarifications of the design <br />drawings, as necessary. Act as initial interpreter of the requirements of the permit <br />documents regarding the execution and progress of the work. <br />C. CDM will conduct a substantial completion inspection and a final inspection to <br />determine if the work has been completed in accordance with the Design Documents. <br />Also included is the FDEP site inspection upon final completion of the work. <br />D. CDM will undertake project quality management to meet budget and time constraints; <br />generate correspondence to IRC, regulatory agencies, and other parties; provide <br />monthly project status reports; prepare monthly progress meeting minutes; and <br />maintain comprehensive project records and documentation on file. The level of work <br />estimated for this project is based on an 8 -month construction period. CDM reserves the <br />right to request additional compensation should the construction period extend beyond <br />the 8 -month period. <br />Activities performed under these tasks consist of supplementary and special engineering <br />services required during the construction and implementation of the project. <br />E. Prepare for IRC a set of reproducible record drawings showing those significant changes <br />made during the construction process based on information furnished to CDM by the <br />Owner. <br />F. Provides services in connection with preparing final certifications of completion of <br />construction. This includes the preparation of the comprehensive quality assurance <br />documentation and report for certification of project completion. The Engineer's <br />certificate of final completion is required by the FDEP before waste can be placed in the <br />cell. <br />G. Cell Certification Survey: An allowance for surveying services by a Florida Registered <br />Land surveyor is included in this task item. The purpose of the survey is to provide <br />documentation and the basis of the project record drawings for the certification to FDEP <br />that the cell is ready for the placement of waste. It is anticipated that the Owner will <br />coordinate and lay out the work, without the need of professional surveyors. However, <br />the professional surveyors provided under this contract will be used for setting <br />benchmarks, verifying construction grades, establishing the edge of proposed waste and <br />the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the monitoring wells. <br />These surveying services are needed to verify the Owner's compliance with the plans <br />and specifications. The allowance is for one survey event only. If there are mistakes in <br />the layout, invert of culverts, slopes of earthwork, dimensions of cells that do not <br />conform to the permitted plans, a resurvey after the work has been remediated will be <br />required prior to final certification at the expense of the Owner. <br />A-4 mh2491 doc <br />