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Upon a Motion made by Commissioner Bogosian, seconded by <br />Commissioner Graves the following Resolution was unanimously adoptee: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 68- 62 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />1. That the Resolution heretofore adopted by this Board known as <br />the Subdivision Resolution of Indian River County, Florida, is hereby <br />amended as follows: <br />A. Section X-4 (a) is amended to read: <br />"Swale ditches are not permitted within the area <br />of any street. Instead of swale ditches, all <br />streets shall be constructed so that the paved <br />portion of each street will provide drainage. " <br />B. • Section X-4 (b) is s.mendedto read: <br />"All areas on both sides of all paved areas of <br />all streets extending from the pavement to the <br />,property line shall be seeded, sprigged or <br />sodded with an approved type grass after com- <br />pletion of the finished grading. Seeding shall <br />be 30 lbs. of Bermuda seed per acre with 200 <br />lbs. of fertilizer per acre. Any other alternate <br />requires prior approval. " <br />C. Section X-4 (c) is amended to read: <br />"All driveways leading from the paved portion <br />of any street shall be paved to conform to the <br />contour of the land. " <br />D. Section X-4 (d) is amended to read: <br />"The area between the paved portion of any <br />street and the adjoining property line shall be <br />graded to permit surface drainage to flow over <br />and into a swale type concrete gutter commonly <br />known as 'a Miami curb' which shall be con- <br />structed along both outer edges of the paved <br />portion of each street. A typical section <br />drawing of such a Miami type curb will be made <br />available by the county on request. " <br />E. Section X-4 (e) is amended to read: <br />"All concrete gutter sections shall make pro- <br />vision for intersecting with other drainage <br />facilities with concrete outlets and changes in <br />typical sections of the Miami type curb to <br />assure drainage from the gutter. All culverts <br />under roadways shall have rip rap or concrete <br />headwalls. " <br />F. Add a section following Section X to be known as <br />Section XI• and renumber all subsequent sections, which said <br />{,iki4 PASE420 <br />additional section shall be as follows: <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />OCT 2 1968 <br />2G' <br />