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"XI. By the presentation of the final plat for approval <br />and recording, the subdivider thereby agrees to main- <br />tain in good condition all improvements required to be <br />placed upon the land pursuant to this Resolution for a <br />period of one (1) year from the completion of the last <br />of such improvements. To maintain in good condition <br />means that at the end of the period mentioned, the <br />improvements shall at the end of said period be in <br />such condition that they meet the requirements of this <br />Resolution as it existed at the time of final approval of <br />the plat. " <br />i06k 11 PAGE4 1 <br />Smith, Heath, Smith & O'Haire, Attorneys At Law, P. O. Box 518, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />OCT 231968 <br />