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Rehabilitation activity in the contract. <br />11. Evaluate this subsection according to HUD and DEO regulations and <br />prepare all reports to the Department. <br />13. Monitor contractor performance and compliance with contract <br />requirements. <br />14 Establish procedures relating to the procurement and implementation <br />of contractual services, . all pursuant to HUD and DEO requirements and <br />regulations. <br />15. Be present at all HUD and DEO monitoring and prepare the <br />County's response(s) to HUD and DEO monitoring letters. <br />Project Delivery Services: <br />The following are defined as project delivery services by DEO and are not <br />included in this contract. They will be carried out by others unless they are <br />incorporated by change order into this administrative contract: <br />1. Inspect the housing units proposed for acquisition with NSP funding <br />for the purpose of developing work write-ups and cost estimates for the <br />rehabilitation work to be completed on the units. <br />2. Develop detailed work write-up reports and cost estimates on the <br />housing units that are to be rehabilitated as part of the NSP Project. <br />• <br />11 <br />