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clearly marked on the outside "RFP 42010047 Proposal for Independent Auditing <br /> Services . " Any responses received after the deadline will be returned to the <br /> proposer unopened . The County will not reimburse any costs incurred by the <br /> responding firms in preparing proposals in response to this request . <br /> 5 ) The Committee will recommend no fewer than three proposers to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners . The Committee reserves the right to reject any and all <br /> proposals submitted and to request additional information from the proposers . At <br /> the discretion of the Committee , firms submitting proposals will be requested to <br /> make oral presentations as part of the evaluation process . <br /> 6) The County reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any <br /> ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected . Submission of <br /> a proposal indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this <br /> request for proposals , unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal <br /> submitted and confirmed in the contract between the County and the firm <br /> selected . <br /> 7 ) Firms submitting proposals may subcontract portions of the engagement . If this is <br /> to be done , the name of the proposed subcontracting firms must be clearly <br /> identified in the proposal . Following the award of the audit contract, no additional <br /> subcontracting will be allowed without the express prior written consent of the <br /> County . Such consent may be withheld , conditioned , or denied at the sole <br /> discretion of the County . <br /> 8 ) Each member of the Committee will rank the proposers using a point formula by <br /> the set of criteria described in Section VIII (2) . The Clerk of the Circuit Court or <br /> his designee will combine the individual scores to arrive at a score for each firm . <br /> The BOCC or their designee will negotiate a contract with one of the proposers in <br /> accordance with Section 218 . 391 Florida Statutes . It is anticipated that the <br /> County will enter into a five -year contract starting with the October 1 , 2009 , <br /> through September 30 , 2010 , fiscal year . <br /> 9) RYP Calendar : <br /> May 14 , 2010 - Request for Proposal to be posted on DemandStar <br /> and advertised <br /> June 11 , 2010 - Responses to RFP due by 2 : 00 P . M . <br /> June 25 , 2010 - The Committee meeting to evaluate the RFP <br /> responses . At this meeting , the Committee may <br /> request an interview and/or develop a list of firms to <br /> make oral presentations . If no interviews or <br /> presentations are requested of the firms , then the <br /> Committee shall develop a short list of three firms <br /> Page 3 <br />