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1114Ui 3tilii A <br /> A TRUE <br /> COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J ;A . SMITH , CLERK <br /> (3) Determine if one application for funding will be submitted, for all projects within the geographic area or if more <br /> than one application will be submitted for the projects within the geographic area; <br /> (i) If more than one application will be submitted, designate an eligible applicant to be the collaborative applicant <br /> that will collect and combine the required application information from all applicants and for all projects within. the <br /> geographic area that the Continuum has selected funding. The collaborative applicant will also apply for Continuum <br /> of Care planning activities. If the Continuum is an eligible applicant, it may designate itself, <br /> (ii) If only one application will be submitted, that applicant will be the collaborative applicant and will collect and <br /> combine the required application information from all projects within the geographic area that the Continuum has <br /> selected for funding and apply for Continuum of Care planning activities ; <br /> (b) The Continuum retains all of its responsibilities, even if it designates one or more eligible applicants other than <br /> itself to apply for funds on behalf of the Continuum. This includes approving the Continuum of Care application. <br /> § 578 . 11 Unified Funding Agency. <br /> (a) Becoming a Unified Funding Agency. To become designated as the Unified Funding Agency (UFA) for a <br /> Continuum, a collaborative applicant must be selected by the Continuum to apply to HUD to be designated as the <br /> UFA for the Continuum. <br /> (b) Criteria for. designating a UFA. HUD will consider these criteria when deciding whether to designate a <br /> collaborative applicant a UFA: r I <br /> - <br /> ( 1 ) The Continuum of Care it represents meets the requirements in §578 .7 ; <br /> (2) The collaborative applicant has financial management systems that meet the standards set forth in 24 CFR 84.21 <br /> (for nonprofit organizations) and 24 CFR 85 . 20 (for States) , <br /> (3 ) The collaborative applicant demonstrates the ability to monitor subrecipients; and <br /> (4) Such other criteria as HUD may establish by NOFA. <br /> (c ) Requirements. HUDAesignated UFAs shall . <br /> ( 1 ) Apply to HUD for funding for all of the projects within the geographic areaand enter into a grant agreement <br /> with HUD for the entire geographic area. . <br /> (2) Enter into legally binding agreements with subrecipients, and receive and distribute funds to subrecipients for all <br /> projects within the geographic area. <br /> (3) Require subrecipients to establish fiscal control and accounting procedures as necessary to assure the proper <br /> disbursal of and accounting for federal funds in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR parts 84 and 85 and <br /> corresponding OMB circulars. <br /> (4) Obtain approval of any proposed grant agreement amendments by the Continuum of Care before submitting a <br /> request for an amendment to HUD. <br /> § 578. 13 Remedial action. <br />