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A TRUE GUPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> �y (( A ,/ 0 il 0f "{ E 1flo SMITH, CLERK <br /> 111 T P1 3 <br /> (a) If HUD finds that the Continuum of Care for a geographic area does not meet the requirements of the Act or its <br /> implementing regulations, or that there is no Continuum for a geographic area, HUD may take remedial action to <br /> ensure fair distribution of grant funds within the geographic area. Such measures may -include: <br /> ( 1 ) Designating a replacement Continuum of Care for the geographic area; <br /> (2) Designating a replacement collaborative applicant for the Continuum's geographic area; and <br /> (3) Accepting applications from other eligible applicants within the Continuum's geographic area. <br /> (b) HUD must provide a 30-day prior written notice to the Continuum and its collaborative applicant and give them <br /> an opportunity to respond . <br /> Subpart C—Application and Grant Award Process <br /> § 578. 15 Eligible applicants. <br /> (a) Who may. apply: Nonprofit organizations, States, local governments, and instrumentalities of State or local <br /> governmepw'are eligible toap ply for grants. <br /> (b) Designation by the Continuum of Care. Eligible applicant(s) must have been designated by the Continuum of <br /> Care to submit an application for grant funds under this part. The designation must state whether the Continuum is <br /> designating more than one applicant to apply for funds and, if it is, which applicant is being designated as the <br /> collaborative applicant. If the Continuum is designating only one applicant to apply for funds, the Continuum must <br /> designate that applicant to be the collaborative applicant. <br /> (c) Exclusion. For-profit entities are not eligible to apply for grants or to be subrecipients of grant funds. <br /> § 578. 17 Overview of application and grant award process. <br /> (a) Formula. ( 1 ) After enactment of the annual appropriations act for each fiscal year, and issuance of the NOFA, <br /> HUD will publish, on its Web site, the Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) assigned to metropolitan cities, urban <br /> counties, and all other counties. <br /> ' lpd e (2) HUD will apply the fariula used to determine PPRN established in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, to the <br /> Arno, of funds'lieing made available under the NOFA: That amount is calculated by: <br /> (i) Determining the total amount for the Continuum of Care competition in accordance with section 413 of the Act <br /> or as otherwise directed by the annual appropriations act; <br /> (ii) From the amount in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, deducting the amount published in the NOFA as being set <br /> aside to provide a bonus to geographic areas for activities that have proven to be effective in reducing homelessness <br /> generally or for specific subpopulations listed in the NOFA or achieving homeless prevention and independent <br /> living goals established in the NOFA and to meet policy priorities set in the NOFA; and <br /> (iii) Deducting the amount of funding necessary for Continuum of Care planning activities and UFA costs. <br /> (3) PPRN is calculated on the amount determined under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. by using the following <br /> formula: <br />