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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
New Horizons 2 Project
Continuum of Care Program
Grant Agreement
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A I RUE UUPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J .R . SMITH CLERK <br /> rile . 3 1°► 1i � ' . . I <br /> (i) Two percent will be allocated among the four insular areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the <br /> Northern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands) on the basis of the ratio of the population of each insular area to the <br /> population of all insular areas . <br /> (ii) Seventy-five percent of the remaining amount will be allocated, using the Community Development Block Grant <br /> (CDBG) formula, to metropolitan cities and urban counties that have been funded under either the Emergency <br /> Shelter Grants or Emergency Solutions Grants programs in any one year since 2004. <br /> (iii) The amount remaining after the allocation ,under paragraphs (a)( 1 ) and (2) of this section will be allocated, using <br /> the CDBG formula, to metropolitan cities and urban counties that have not been funded under the Emergency <br /> Solutions Grants program in any year since 2004 and all other counties in the United States and Puerto Rico. <br /> (4) If the calculation in paragraph (a)(2) of this section results in an amount less than the amount required to renew <br /> all projects eligible for renewal in that year for at least one year, after making adjustments proportional to increases <br /> in fair market rents for the geographic area for leasing, operating, and rental assistance for permanent housing, HUD <br /> will reduce, proportionately, the total amount required to renew all projects eligible for renewal in that year for at <br /> least one year, for each Continuum of Care. HUD will publish, via the NOFA, the total dollar amount that every . <br /> Continuum will be required to deduct from renewal projects Continuum-wide. <br /> (b) Calculating a Continuum of Care 's maximum award amount. ( 1 ) Establish the PPRN amount. First, HUD will <br /> total the PPRN amounts for each metropolitan city, urban county, other county, and insular area claimed by the <br /> Continuum as part of its geographic area, excluding any counties applying for or receiving funding from the Rural <br /> Housing Stability Assistance program under 24 CFR part 579 . <br /> (2) Establishing renewal demand. Next, HUD .will determine the renewal demand within. the Continuum's <br /> geographic area. Renewal demand is the sum of the annual renewal amounts of all projects within the Continuum <br /> eligible to apply for renewal in that fiscal year's competition, before any adjustments to rental assistance, leasing, <br /> and operating line items based on FMR changes. <br /> (3) Establishing FPRN. The higher of PPRN or renewal demand for the Continuum of Care is the FPRN, which is <br /> the base for the maximum award amount for the Continuum. <br /> (4) Establishing the maximum award amount. The maximum award amount for the Continuum is the FPRN amount <br /> plus any additional eligible amounts for Continuum planning; UFA costs ; adjustments to leasing, operating and <br /> rental assistance line items based on changes to FMR; and available bonuses. <br /> § 578 . 19 Application process. <br /> (a) Notice of Funding Availability. After enactment of the annual appropriations act for the fiscal year, HUD will <br /> issue a NOFA in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR part 4 . <br /> (b) Applications. All applications to HUD, including applications for grant funds and requests for designation as a <br /> UFA or HPC, must be submitted at such time and in such manner as HUD may require, and, contain such <br /> information as HUD determines necessary. At a minimum, an application for grant funds must contain a list of the. <br /> projects for which it is applying for funds ; a description of the projects; a list of the projects that will be carried out <br /> by subrecipients and the names of the subrecipients ; a description of the subpopulations of homeless or at risk of -- <br /> homelessness to be served by projects ; the number of units to be provided and/or the number of persons to be served <br /> by each project; a budget request by project; and reasonable assurances that the applicant, or the subrecipient, will <br /> own or have control of a site for the proposed project not later than the expiration of the 12-month period beginning <br /> upon notification of an award for grant assistance. <br /> § 578.21 Awarding funds. <br />
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