( 3 ) Unaccompanied youth under 25 years of
<br /> age, or families with children and youth , who do
<br /> not otherwise qualify as homeless under this Person with disabilities means a household
<br /> definition, but who : composed of one or more persons at least one
<br /> ( i ) Are defined as homeless under section of whom is an adult who has a disability .
<br /> 387 of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act ( 1 ) A person shall be considered to have a
<br /> ( 42 U . S. C. 5732a ), section 637 of the Head disability if he or she has a disability that .
<br /> Start Act (42 U . S . C. 9832), section 41403 of the ( i ) Is expected to be long -continuing or of
<br /> Violence Against Women Act of 1994 ( 42 U . S . C. indefinite duration ,
<br /> 14043e-2), section 330( h ) of the Public Health ( ii) Substantially impedes the individual 's
<br /> Service Act (42 U . S. C. 254b ( h ) ), section 3 of the ability to live independently,
<br /> Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U . S . C. 2012 ) , ( iii ) Could be improved by the provision of
<br /> section 17( b) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 more suitable housing conditions; and
<br /> (42 U . S . C. 1786( b) ) , or section 725 of the ( iv) Is a physical , mental , or emotional
<br /> McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 impairment, including an impairment caused by
<br /> U . S . C. 11434a ); alcohol or drug abuse, post-traumatic stress
<br /> ( ii ) Have not had a lease, ownership disorder, or brain injury .
<br /> interest, or occupancy agreement in permanent ( 2 ) A person will also be considered to have a
<br /> housing at any time during the 60 days disability if he or she has a developmental
<br /> immediately preceding the date of application disability, as defined in this section .
<br /> for homeless assistance; ( 3 ) A person will also be considered to have a
<br /> ( iii ) Have experienced persistent instability disability if he or she has acquired
<br /> as measured by two moves or more during the immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or any
<br /> 60-day period immediately preceding the date conditions arising from the etiologic agent for
<br /> of applying for homeless assistance; and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, including
<br /> ( iv) Can be expected to continue in such infection with the human immunodeficiency
<br /> status for an extended period of time because virus ( HIV) .
<br /> of chronic disabilities; chronic physical health or (4) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions
<br /> mental health conditions; substance addiction ; of this definition, the term person with
<br /> histories of domestic violence or childhood disabilities includes, except in the case of the
<br /> abuse ( including neglect) ; the presence of a SRO component, two or more persons with
<br /> child or youth with a disability, or two or more disabilities living together, one or more such
<br /> barriers to employment, which include the lack persons living with another person who is
<br /> of a high school degree or General Education determined to be important to their care or
<br /> Development ( GED), illiteracy, low English well - being , and the surviving member or
<br /> proficiency, a history of incarceration or members of any household described in the first
<br /> detention for criminal activity, and a history of sentence of this definition who were living, in a
<br /> unstable employment; or unit assisted under this part, with the deceased
<br /> (4 ) Any individual or family who : member of the household at the time of his or
<br /> ( i ) Is Fleeing , or is attempting to flee, her death . (In any event, with respect to the
<br /> domestic violence, dating violence, sexual surviving member or members of a household,
<br /> assault, stalking, or other dangerous or the right to rental assistance under this part will
<br /> life-threatening conditions that relate to terminate at the end of the grant period under
<br /> violence against the individual or a family which the deceased member was a participant. )
<br /> member, including a child , that has either taken
<br /> place within the individual 's or family 's primary
<br /> nighttime residence or has made the individual 5 . A new g 582 . 301 is added to read as
<br /> or family afraid to return to their primary follows :
<br /> nighttime residence; 4 582. 301 Recordkeegina .
<br /> ( ii ) Has no other residence; and
<br /> (iii ) Lacks the resources or support
<br /> networks, e. g . , family, friends, and faith- based ( a ) ( Reserved . ]
<br /> or other social networks, to obtain other
<br /> permanent housing .
<br /> www. hud . gov cspanol . hud. gov Page 20
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