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SECTION 00100 <br /> INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS <br /> ( Based Upon EJCDC No . C-700 , 2002 Edition ) <br /> 1 . 01 DEFINED TERMS <br /> Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders , that are defined in the Standard General <br /> Conditions of the Construction Contract ( No . 0 - 700 , 2002 edition ) , as may be amended by <br /> the Supplementary Conditions , have the meanings assigned to them in the General <br /> Conditions . The term " Bidder" means one who submits a bid directly to Owner , as distinct <br /> from a sub - bidder , who submits a bid to a Bidder . The term " Successful Bidder" means the <br /> lowest , qualified , responsible , and responsive Bidder to whom Owner ( on the basis of <br /> Owner's evaluation as hereinafter provided ) makes an award . The term " Bidding <br /> Documents " includes the Advertisement , Instructions to Bidders , The Bid Form , Disclosure <br /> of Relationships Statement , General Information Required for Bidders , and the proposed <br /> Contract Documents ( including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids ) . <br /> 1 . 02 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS <br /> A . Complete sets of the Bidding Documents in the number and for the deposit sum , if any , <br /> stated in the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid may be obtained from The Indian River <br /> County Department of Utility Services , 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach , Florida 32960 <br /> ( 772 -567 - 8000 ) . <br /> B . Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing Bids ; Owner assumes no <br /> responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of <br /> Bidding Documents . <br /> C . Owner, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms , do so only for <br /> the purpose of obtaining Bids on the work and do not confer a license or grant for any other <br /> use of the Bidding Documents . <br /> 1 . 03 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS <br /> The contract will be awarded only to a responsible CONTRACTOR qualified by experience to do <br /> the Work specified . The bidder shall submit satisfactory evidence of his experience in like Work <br /> and be fully prepared with the necessary organization , capital , equipment and machinery to <br /> complete the Work to the satisfaction of the OWNER within the time limit stated . In addition to the <br /> above , the CONTRACTOR shall satisfy the following criteria : <br /> A . Bidder must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the project , and demonstrate <br /> experience and success in the deployment of floating mats on projects similar to the <br /> Spoonbill Marsh including the use of halophyte Species . <br /> B . Bidder must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the environmental conditions existing <br /> on the project site . It is the Bidder' s responsibility to provide the County with a description of <br /> any deficiencies with the design or the implementation of the planting plan that they believe <br /> would negatively impact the successful establishment of the plant material at the time the <br /> bid is submitted to the County . <br /> C . Bidder must provide the County with a copy of all licenses necessary to grow , field collect , <br /> possess , transport , sell , and install the plant species listed in Plans and Details - 10200 at <br /> 00100 - 1 <br />