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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P . E . <br /> 1 December 2009 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • expansion and upgrade of the landfill gas collection and control system (GCCS) to <br /> enhance odor control at the IRCL site and potentially increase the extraction of landfill gas <br /> (LFG) for energy recovery and carbon offset credits ; <br /> • partial closure of the North and South slopes of Segment 2 and Infill Area of the Class I <br /> Landfill to an approximate elevation of 105 ft National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) <br /> in order to control leachate seepage, minimize leachate generation and associated disposal <br /> and treatment, and also to comply with the Florida Department of Environmental (FDEP) <br /> permit requirements ; <br /> • construction of storm water management system over the closed portions of the Class I <br /> Landfill to minimize the potential for leachate generation and convey clean storm water <br /> runoff to the on-site sedimentation pond for ultimate disposition; and <br /> • preparation of the borrow area located immediately north of the C- 5 canal for excavation <br /> and stockpiling of soils for use as construction material for the vertical expansion and <br /> partial closure construction project. <br /> Two construction contracts were awarded through WMIF, as the Construction Manager, to : (i) <br /> Environmental Specialties, Inc. (ESI), Baton Rouge, LA for the vertical expansion, GCCS , partial <br /> closure and storm water management construction ; and (ii) Sawmill Ridge Trucking (Sawmill) , <br /> Vero Beach , Florida for the preparation of the borrow pond area to facilitate excavation and <br /> stockpiling by the SWDD staff. <br /> The total contract price approved by the SWDD Board for the vertical expansion and partial <br /> closure construction component was $4, 157,622 . 64 . This amount is comprised of: (i ) a lump sum <br /> bid price of $ 3 ,299,700 . 51 to ESI for the actual construction work; (ii) a 5 % management fee to <br /> WMIF in the amount of $ 164 ,985 . 03 ; and (iii) a 20% contingency fee to account for potential <br /> change orders and changes in site conditions in the amount of $ 6929937 . 11 . The contingency <br /> amount also included WMIF ' s management fee of 5 percent for any change order. It should, <br /> however, be noted that the lump sum contract to ESI included a unit cost/not-to-exceed (NTE) <br /> component for ten ( 10) work items that had to be paid based on actual quantities measured and <br /> surveyed. Depending on the measured and surveyed quantities for those items , the total contract <br /> amount could be less or more than, by a NTE amount of $ 11 , 120 . Furthermore, the total <br /> construction cost was less than the Engineer' s cost estimate range of $ 5 ,378 , 880 to $ 5 , 707 ,440, <br /> including the 20% contingency . <br /> The total contract price approved by the SWDD Board for the preparation of the borrow pond area <br /> to facilitate excavation and stockpiling by the SWDD staff was $298 , 864 . 53 . This amount is <br /> FL 1537-01 /JL90230.docx <br />