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by qualified professionals in the field of transportation planning or engineering, and shall <br />be submitted to the county administrator, or his designee. , the tr-affie ifflpaet analysis <br />the field of tfansper-tation plaiiiiingRf <br />(d) Within twenty (20) days of receipt of a traffic impact analysis, the county administrator or <br />his designee shall determine if it is complete. If the county administrator determines the <br />application is not complete, he shall send a written statement specifying the deficiencies by <br />certified mail to the person submitting the application. Unless the deficiencies are corrected, <br />the county administrator shall take no further action on the traffic impact analysis. <br />(e) When the county administrator determines that the traffic impact analysis is complete, he <br />shall notify the applicant of its completion within (5) days, and he shall review 4 the <br />analysis within twenty (20) days. If it is not reviewed within these timeframes, then the item <br />will be scheduled for the next available board of county commissioners meeting <br />(f) If on the basis of generally recognized principles of traffic engineering it is determined in <br />the individual assessment that the county's cost to accommodate the proposed land <br />development activity is substantially different t+an from the fee set down in section <br />953.07(2)(a), the amount of the "fair share roadway improvement fee" shall be varied from <br />that in the fee schedule to an amount consistent with the amount determined in the <br />individual assessment. <br />(g) Any person may appeal the county administrator's decision on his individual assessment by <br />filing a petition with the board of county commissioners within thirty (30) days of a decision <br />by the county administrator. In reviewing the decision, the board of county commissioners <br />shall use the standards established in section 953.07(3)(f). <br />(Ord. No. 90-16, § 1, 9-11-90; Ord. No. 94-25, §§ 15, 16, 8-31-94) <br />No building permit approval shall be issued until any applicable "fair share roadway improvements <br />fee" is paid according to these provisions. The obligation to pay the fee shall run with the land. <br />(Ord. No. 90-16, § 1, 9-11-90) <br />Section <br />953.08. <br />Interpretation of the chapter <br />Time of payment. <br />No building permit approval shall be issued until any applicable "fair share roadway improvements <br />fee" is paid according to these provisions. The obligation to pay the fee shall run with the land. <br />(Ord. No. 90-16, § 1, 9-11-90) <br />(1) Interpretation. Interpretation of all provisions of this chapter, including whether a proposed land <br />development activity is identified in one of the land use types in the fee schedule established in section <br />953.07(2)(a), shall be made by the county administrator, or his designee. <br />(2) Fair share fee determination for land development activity not included in fee schedule&. <br />(a) Any person who shall initiate any land development activity interpreted by the county <br />Section <br />953.09. <br />Interpretation of the chapter <br />and fee schedule. <br />(1) Interpretation. Interpretation of all provisions of this chapter, including whether a proposed land <br />development activity is identified in one of the land use types in the fee schedule established in section <br />953.07(2)(a), shall be made by the county administrator, or his designee. <br />(2) Fair share fee determination for land development activity not included in fee schedule&. <br />(a) Any person who shall initiate any land development activity interpreted by the county <br />Coding: <br />in thFou <br />type <br />deletions <br />from <br />law. Words <br />words str-i1Ee <br />are existing <br />underlined are <br />' <br />additions. <br />7 <br />