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SECTION . It10NITORING <br />A. Sampling Requirements. <br />Industrial users who are required to have an industrial discharge permit, shall perfotm-self- <br />monitoring in accordance with the following paragraphs. <br />1. Parameters To Be Analyzed. The industrial discharge permit, issued to the industrial <br />user by the County, shall list the specific pollutants in the individual industrial user's <br />wastewater discharge(s) which must be monitored. <br />2. Operating Conditions During Sampling. Samples shall be taken during operating <br />conditions which are representative of daily operations and shall be performed in <br />accordance with procedures set out in 40 CFR Pan 136. <br />3. Sampling Methods. Unless otherwise specified in an industrial users industrial <br />discharge permit, two (2) grab samples shall be taken during each sampling period. <br />The grab samples shall be taken in a manner which will provide a representative <br />sample of the waste stream. <br />4. Frequency. The permitted industrial user shall collect and analyze representative <br />samples for the pollutants which are identified on the user's permit at the frequency <br />stated on the permit which shall not exceed 6 months. In the event that the <br />concentration of a limited parameter (as defined in Section H) is exceeded, the <br />industrial user shall sample on a monthly basis until the concentration is within the <br />specified limits. <br />B. Analvtical Requirements: <br />1. The analytical laboratory used for the analysis of industrial discharge permit <br />compliance samples must be approved by the County. <br />2. All pollutant analyses, including sampling techniques, to be submitted as pan of a <br />permit application or monitoring report shall be perfo=A.d in accordance with the <br />techniques prescribed in 40 CFR Pan 136 or, if CFR Part 136 does not contain <br />sampling or analytical techniques for the pollutant in question, in accordance v✓ith <br />procedures approved by EPA & the County. The anal} -tical methods used shall be <br />capable of accurately measuring concentrations of the specified contaminants below <br />the contaminant limits described in Section II or in the industrial discharge permit. <br />E'V765TaEPORT\ORDNA.NC. V 1 <br />