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Exhibit A <br />To Ordinance 99 - <br />obtaining an alarm permit shall be sufficient cause for refusal to issue a permit and shall fall <br />under Section 17. VIOLATIONS, and subject to fine. <br />(G) All fees owed by an applicant must be paid before a permit may be issued or <br />renewed. . <br />(H) Information contained in permit applications shall be held in confidence by all <br />employees or representatives of the agency with access to such information. <br />SECTION 3.1 ALARM SYSTEMS IN APARTMENT COMPLEXES - <br />CONTRACTED FOR BY INDIVIDUAL TENANT. <br />(A) If an alarm system installed by an individual tenant in an apartment complex unit <br />is monitored, the tenant must provide the name of a representative of the apartment owner or <br />property manager who can grant access to the apartment to the alarm business which is providing <br />the monitoring service. <br />(B) A tenant of an apartment complex shall also obtain an alarm permit from the <br />Alarm Administrator before operating or causing the operation of an alarm system in the tenant's <br />residential unit. The annual fee for this permit or the renewal of this permit shall be the same as <br />for a residential or commercial alarm site. <br />(C) For purposes of enforcing this article against an individual residential unit, the <br />tenant is responsible for false alarm dispatches emitted from the alarm system in the tenant's <br />residential unit. <br />SECTION 3.2 ALARM SYSTEMS IN APARTMENT COMPLEXES - FURNISHED <br />BY THE APARTMENT COMPLEX AS AN AMENITY. <br />(A) If the owner or property manager of an apartment complex provides alarm <br />systems in each residential unit as an amenity, then the owner or property manager of the <br />apartment complex shall obtain a master alarm permit from the Alarm Administrator. The initial <br />fee for this permit shall be $100.00 and $10.00 dollars per residential unit. All this, whether <br />occupied or not, shall be included in calculating the required fee. This fee will be charged in lieu <br />of the $30.00 per residential permit: <br />(F) <br />An alarm <br />permit <br />cannot be transferred <br />to another <br />An alarm <br />person. <br />user <br />shall <br />inform <br />the Alarm <br />Administrator <br />of any change that <br />alters any information <br />listed on the <br />five <br />business <br />days. <br />permit <br />application <br />within <br />(5) <br />(G) All fees owed by an applicant must be paid before a permit may be issued or <br />renewed. . <br />(H) Information contained in permit applications shall be held in confidence by all <br />employees or representatives of the agency with access to such information. <br />SECTION 3.1 ALARM SYSTEMS IN APARTMENT COMPLEXES - <br />CONTRACTED FOR BY INDIVIDUAL TENANT. <br />(A) If an alarm system installed by an individual tenant in an apartment complex unit <br />is monitored, the tenant must provide the name of a representative of the apartment owner or <br />property manager who can grant access to the apartment to the alarm business which is providing <br />the monitoring service. <br />(B) A tenant of an apartment complex shall also obtain an alarm permit from the <br />Alarm Administrator before operating or causing the operation of an alarm system in the tenant's <br />residential unit. The annual fee for this permit or the renewal of this permit shall be the same as <br />for a residential or commercial alarm site. <br />(C) For purposes of enforcing this article against an individual residential unit, the <br />tenant is responsible for false alarm dispatches emitted from the alarm system in the tenant's <br />residential unit. <br />SECTION 3.2 ALARM SYSTEMS IN APARTMENT COMPLEXES - FURNISHED <br />BY THE APARTMENT COMPLEX AS AN AMENITY. <br />(A) If the owner or property manager of an apartment complex provides alarm <br />systems in each residential unit as an amenity, then the owner or property manager of the <br />apartment complex shall obtain a master alarm permit from the Alarm Administrator. The initial <br />fee for this permit shall be $100.00 and $10.00 dollars per residential unit. All this, whether <br />occupied or not, shall be included in calculating the required fee. This fee will be charged in lieu <br />of the $30.00 per residential permit: <br />