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officer shall leave notice at the alarm site that a law enforcement agency has responded to a false <br />alarm dispatch. The notice shall include the following information: <br />(1) the date and time of law enforcement response to the false alarm <br />dispatch; <br />(2) the identification number of the law enforcement officer, and; <br />(3) a statement urging the alarm user to ensure that the alarm system is <br />properly operated, inspected, and serviced in order to avoid fines per the <br />ordinance. <br />(D) Alarm businesses which perform monitoring services must maintain for a period <br />of at least one year following request for law enforcement dispatch to an alarm site, records <br />relating to the dispatch. Records must include the name, address and phone number of the alarm <br />user, the alarm system zone(s) or point(s) activated, the time of request for law enforcement <br />dispatch and evidence that an attempt to verify was made to the alarm site prior to the request for <br />law enforcement dispatch. The Alarm Administrator may request copies of such records for <br />individually named alarm users. <br />SECTION 9. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REVIEWS. <br />If there is reason to believe that an alarm system is not being used or maintained in a <br />manner that ensures proper operation and suppresses false alarms, the Alarm Administrator may <br />require a conference with an alarm user and the alarm business responsible for the repair of the <br />alarm system to review the circumstances of each false alarm. <br />SECTION 10. FALSE ALARM USER AWARENESS CLASS. <br />The administrator shall oversee the creation and implementation of a false alarm user <br />awareness class. The program shall inform alarm users of the problems created by false alarm <br />dispatchers and teach alarm users how to operate their alarm systems without generating false <br />alarm dispatches. The Alarm Review Board may waive fines and recommend the awareness <br />class, if deemed appropriate. The class will be held at different times to allow attendance and to <br />minimize scheduling conflicts. <br />There shall be a $35.00 administrative -fee to attend the class; the fee will cover costs <br />associated with conducting the course, including all informational materials and handouts. <br />SECTION 11. FINES. <br />subject to fines, and warnings of suspension/ revocation of permit depending on the number of <br />false alarm dispatches emitted from an alarm system within a 12 -month period based upon the <br />Page 8 <br />