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3 <br />MR. DRUCE WAS GOING TO TAKE THE PLAN TO TALLAHASSEE FOR FURTHER CHECKING, <br />AND THE ADMINISTRATOR FELT WE WOULD. RECEIVE SOME DEFINITE INFORMATION <br />FROM MR. DRUCE BY THE NEXT MEETING.* <br />ATTORNEY COLLINS NOTED THAT THE STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING <br />AGENCY ALSO HAS TO APPROVE THIS PLAN, AND HE FELT IT SHOULD BE SENT <br />TO THE VARIOUS AGENCIES PRIOR TO THE BOARD ADOPTING IT. <br />ADMINISTRATOR .JENNINGS DISCUSSED WITH THE BOARD THE FOLLOWING <br />MEMO RECEIVED FROM AL WEBBER IN REGARD TO THE FELLSMERE FIRE TRUCK. <br />MEMO: <br />To: Mr. Jack G. Jennings, County Administrator <br />The County bought a fire truck for Fellsmere in August 1975 for <br />$7,598.00 and had Tumer Construction Co. build a special body, tank and <br />pump for an additional $7,950.00. The truck is registered in the name of <br />the County Commissioners. <br />Due to an oversight, this equipment was not covered by insurance. <br />In January 1978 the truck was driven into a concealed ditch and bent the <br />frame. The Fellsmere Fire Chief tried to get local bids for the repair but <br />the job required found only in Orlando and Miami. <br />As the truck was not in safe condition to take to a fire, it was' <br />necessary to have it repaired as soon as possible. This was done in Miami <br />at a total cost of $600.00. <br />If the truck had been insured, there would have been $250.00 <br />deductible in any case. It has now been added to our insurance coverage <br />as of February 3, 1978. <br />Rather than enter into a discussion as to the lack of insurance <br />or the cause of the accident, the Fellsmere Fire Department is willing to <br />assume one-half of the cost, or $300.00, if this is agreeable with the <br />County Commissioners. Fellsmere has paid the entire bill in order to get <br />the truck back in service. <br />COMMISSIONER DEESON STATED WHAT CONCERNS HIM IS THAT THERE <br />IS A LOOPHOLE SOMEWHERE WHICH RESULTED IN THE TRUCK NOT BEING INSURED. <br />HE POINTED OUT THAT IF THE TRUCK HAD BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT WHICH INVOLVED <br />INJURIES, THIS COULD HAVE BEEN VERY SERIOUS, AND HE FELT THERE SHOULD <br />BE SOME SYSTEM SET UP TO CHECK ON THIS AND KEEP TRACK OF IT. <br />16 <br />�flDK34 PAIGE 98 <br />N <br />