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Discussion ensued and Chairman Wheeler expressed that a number was not needed at that <br />point because the Board would direct staff to come back with a specific number and he explained <br />how it would work. <br />Joseph Shulke asked Director Bowling questions regarding the rationing process and <br />expressed that he had neutral feelings. <br />There was a question and answer period where Director Boling clarified PSAC's <br />recommendation, future final platting, site plan approval, time frames on commercial sites, vesting <br />up front and platting. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan asked if there was a factor in counting commercial trips and <br />Assistant Director Mora informed him that trips were based on square footage for commercial <br />developments. He explained that the ten trips for a single-family residence were considered "new <br />trips" yet commercial developments took credit for trips that were already on the road. <br />The Chairman called a recess at 10:36 a.m. and he reconvened the meeting at 10:49 a.m. <br />with all members present. <br />Assistant County Attorney DeBraal cautioned the Board that when deciding what type of <br />development could take the final trips left in a threshold, they needed to look at equal protection <br />issues. He suggested using the Proportionate Share Agreement to solve some of the concurrency <br />problems. <br />Jerry Swanson, 3001 Ocean Drive, had been working to eliminate commercial trips out of <br />concurrency because he did not believe commercial developers wanted to eliminate trips for a <br />homeowner. He expressed the importance of continuing to generate income from impact fees on <br />commercial properties and suggested the Board not let it affect the residential trip counts. <br />January 5, 2007 5 <br />CHAPTER 910 <br />