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Commissioner O'Bryan questioned the cost in attorney fees and whether Double <br />R&D should be paying some of that. <br />Attorney Collins explained parties' responsibilities for attorney's fees in a civil <br />matter. He noted that the County does not have any outside counsel fees in this case, because <br />Attorney Glen handled the case in-house for the past couple years. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the <br />Board unanimously approved a reduction in the <br />application fees, and that Double R&D will deed into <br />escrow the right-of-way needed to eventually <br />complete the future road improvements for 89th <br />Street. <br />Pursuant to staff, instructions associated with the escrow arrangement will require <br />the escrow agent to transfer the Deed over to the County, if and when the property receives both <br />the land use change and the rezoning. Further, significant portions of the previous application <br />could be utilized for the current application; however, updated portions of the traffic study will <br />be required. <br />13.B. UNCONDITIONAL OFFER FOR PARCEL OF PROPERTY OWNED <br />BYEVANGELOS AND ANNABAZIS, 6800 57TH STREET, VERO BEACH <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal asked the Board to approve three <br />different unconditional offers on two parcels of property owned by the Abazis'. He described <br />the subject properties and explained the necessity for the purchase of the right-of-ways. <br />February 17, 2009 33 <br />