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property. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Flescher, <br />SECONDED by Chairman Davis, the Board <br />unanimously approved an unconditional offer to <br />purchase the necessary right-of-way from Evangelos <br />and Ann Abazis at a price of $28,060.00, as <br />recommended in the memorandum of February 4, <br />2009. <br />13. C UNCONDITIONAL OFFER FOR A PARCEL OF LAND ON THE <br />CORNER OF 66TH AVENUE AND 57T" STREET OWNED BY STEVEN, <br />WILLIAM AND EVANABAZIS <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal updated the Board on the subject <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Flescher, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, the Board <br />unanimously approved the unconditional offer to <br />purchase the necessary right-of-way and pond site <br />property from the Abazis' at a price of $378,810 and <br />an unconditional offer to purchase of the entire parcel <br />for $543,950, as recommended in the memorandum <br />of February 11, 2009. <br />February 17, 2009 34 <br />