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property. <br />13.D. UNCONDITIONAL OFFER FOR PARCEL OF PROPERTY OWNED <br />BYEVANGELOS AND ANNABAZIS, 6880 57TH STREET, VERO BEACH <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal updated the Board on the subject <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Solari, SECONDED <br />by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved <br />an unconditional offer to purchase the necessary <br />right-of-way from Evangelos and Ann Abazis at a <br />price of $50,830.00, as recommended in the <br />memorandum of February 4, 2009 <br />13.E MENSING OPTIONS <br />County Attorney William Collins recapped the backup memorandum dated <br />February 12, 2009, and provided background on this matter. Prior to his meeting with Mr. <br />Mensing yesterday, he had presented five options to the Board for consideration, and has <br />subsequently presented three recommendations, in order of preference: (1) to take no action; <br />(2) to defend the litigation threatened by Mr. Mensing; and (3) to file a Declaratory Action in the <br />Circuit Court. <br />Attorney Collins outlined Mr. Mensing's proposals which would involve Mr. <br />Holly releasing any easements rights he has on that strip to the County which would relinquish <br />any claim; the County maintaining the strip in front of Mr. Kirrie; and Mr. Kirrie would be <br />required to get a driveway permit for his gate at the west end of his lot. Mr. Kirrie would also be <br />prohibited from doing any maintenance or construction without a written permit unless it was <br />within two feet of his property line. <br />February 17, 2009 35 <br />