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Chairman Davis, referring to the settlement Mr. Mensing was proposing for Mr. <br />Kirrie, expressed doubts as to how well that would work. <br />Attorney Collins explained the process of abandonment. He advised that the <br />Board could take no action now, and if Mr. Mensing can work with Mr. Holly and get the <br />necessary instruments to protect everyone, then we could go forward with an abandonment at a <br />later date. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Solari, to approve <br />Option 1, to take no action. <br />Commissioners, Mr. Mensing, and Attorney Collins engaged in lengthy <br />discussions about the Mensing Proposal and whether Mr. Kirrie would agree to it. They also <br />discussed what could be done without imposing conditions on the neighbors. <br />Chairman Davis expressed the need to talk with surrounding property owners <br />before he could give any consideration to the Proposal. <br />Attorney Collins repeated the Motion to take no action, and said that would allow <br />time to see if Mr. Mensing could contact Mr. Holly; get any required release of easement or quit <br />claim deeds so they could move forward on this; and in the meantime see what Mr. Kirrie's <br />position is. <br />Mr. Mensing said he needed to hear from the Board whether his proposal is <br />viable, pending he hears from Mr. Kirrie. <br />February 17, 2009 36 <br />