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9.A.2. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NOS. 2004-024 AND 2004-025 <br />– REZONING 241 ACRES FROM RM-3 TO RM-6 - PETRUS <br />VEROS LLC (FKA PRO GOLF INTERNATIONAL, INC.) AND <br />SK VERO LLC (FKA WILLIAM MARINE)– RESTRICTIVE <br />COVENANTS (SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUITS) <br />(QUASI-JUDICIAL) <br /> <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br /> <br />County Attorney Collins briefly reviewed the memorandum on pages 268-270 in the <br />backup. He explained that the developers had filed a lawsuit against the County because they want <br />RM-6 zoning, not RM-3 (the current zoning as a result of action taken by the Board on November <br />16, 2003) because RM-6 allows single-family homes with 70’ x 100’ lot sizes and that is their <br />design concept for that area. He advised that the plaintiffs have offered restrictive covenants (in <br />escrow) to effectively reduce the actual build-out units/acre and if the Board adopts the proposed <br />rezoning ordinances the covenants will be recorded and would be binding on the current and future <br />owners. In the alternative, if the Board does not amend the zoning to RM-6, Petrus Veros and SK <br />Vero will proceed to argue the matter in Circuit Court. <br />Community Development Director Bob Keating advised that Petrus Veros and SK <br />Vero previously came before the Board as Pro-Golf International, Inc. and William Marine <br />requesting RM-6 zoning, and the Board rezoned the property RM-3. He reviewed a PowerPoint <br />presentation (copy on file with the backup) and discussed the proposed settlement, the location of <br />each property, the purpose for rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission’s initial <br />recommendation for approval, the surrounding land uses, concurrency tests are met, consistency <br />with the Comprehensive Plan, lack of environmental impacts, compatibility, the conclusions, and <br />staff’s recommendation for approval of the request. <br />August 10, 2004 <br />18 <br /> <br />