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COMMISSIONER LYONS FELT THE NEW VALIDATORS WOULD BE MORE <br />ACCURATE AND WOULD SAVE TIME. <br />COMMISSIONER Loy SUGGESTED THE ORDER BE PLACED FOR THE <br />THREE VALIDATORS AND TAKE DELIVERY ON TWO OF THEM NOW AND DELIVERY <br />ON THE THIRD ONE AFTER THE NEW FISCAL YEAR BEGINS. SHE REALIZED <br />THAT IF THE PRESENT RECONDITIONED MACHINES WOULD CEASE TO FUNCTION, <br />IT WOULD CAUSE PROBLEMS - PART OF OUR MOVING AROUND IS GOING TO <br />NECESSITATE A FEW CHANGES, <br />FINANCE OFFICER BARTON ADVISED THAT THE PRICE IS A GOOD <br />ONE AS IT IS LESS THAN THE STATE BID LIST; NOTHING WAS MENTIONED ABOUT <br />A TRADE-IN OF OUR PRESENT MACHINES. <br />COMMISSIONER WODTKE AGREED WITH COMMISSIONER LOY'S SUGGESTION. <br />DISCUSSION WAS HELD ABOUT WHICH FUND TO USE FOR THIS <br />PURCHASE. THE BOARD DECIDED TO PURCHASE THREE MACHINES - ORDER TWO <br />FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND ONE FOR BILLING IN THE NEW FISCAL YEAR. <br />FINANCE OFFICER BARTON NEXT DISCUSSEDA NEW ACCOUNTS PAYABLE <br />PROCEDURE AS INDICATED IN HIS MEMO OF APRIL 29, 1980: <br />April 29, 1980 <br />MEMO TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />FROM: JEFFREY K. BARTON, FINANCE OFFICER <br />SUBJECT: Accounts Payable Procedure <br />We request that the Board of Commissioners adopt a <br />policy allowing the Finance Department to routinely pay bills <br />for goods and services in amounts of Ten Thousand Dollars <br />($10,000.00) or less by using a facsimile device for <br />signatures. This would be assuming that backup documenta- <br />tion is in order. <br />A. Procedure would be as follows: 4 <br />1. Checks for investments and other internal <br />transfers of funds would remain as is: <br />2. Checks for goods and services which exceed <br />$10,000.00 would require one "live" signature. <br />3. Checks for goods and services in amounts of <br />$10,000.00 or less would be signed with a <br />facsimile device and mailed to the vendor. <br />In order for this to happen, the backup would <br />consist of: <br />A. Invoice from Vendor. <br />B. Copy of signed purchase order. <br />C. Copy of signed delivery receipt. <br />Also, the Board of County Commissioners would be <br />furnished a check register showing all checks issued, <br />including the vendor name and check amount. A detail <br />list of what accounts were charged is also available <br />if needed. <br />MAY 71980 5 Boort 43 <br />