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Administrative approval - 5 days; <br />Minor site plan - 5 weeks; <br />Major site plan - 6 weeks; <br />Special exception approval - 13 weeks. <br />Whenever these review times increase by 150% or more due to the work load of the <br />review staff, the County will begin prioritizing the review of affordable housing <br />development project applications. In prioritizing affordable housing development project <br />applications, staff will schedule affordable housing project applications for review before <br />other types of project applications to ensure that maximum review timeframes are not <br />exceeded for affordable housing projects. <br />Director Keating conveyed that two policies supporting housing near transit stops have <br />been included in Objectives 1 and 2, as follows: <br />OBJECTIVE 1 Housing Affordability <br />POLICY 1.9: The County shall support housing developments near transportation hubs, <br />major employment centers, and mixed use development by expediting the permit process <br />for these types of housing projects. <br />OBJECTIVE 2 Balanced Housing Market <br />Within its residential areas, Indian River County will have adequate sites to <br />accommodate current and anticipated housing demand for all income groups and groups <br />with special housing needs. These sites shall have an appropriate land use and zoning <br />designation which allows for a balanced housing market with a mixture of housing types, <br />including mobile and manufactured homes. <br />POLICY 2.2: Indian River County shall continue to designate on its future land use plan <br />map sufficient land area with adequate density to accommodate the projected 2020 <br />population. Accordingly, the County's Future Land Use Map residential designations <br />vary in density from 1 unit per acre to 10 units per acre. All of this residentially <br />designated land is located within the Urban Service Area where adequate infrastructure is <br />available to accommodate a wide variety of housing types, including mobile homes, <br />farmworker housing, housing for very low, low, and moderate income households, and <br />group homes and foster care facilities. As structured, the County's land use designations <br />accommodate housing units with a wide range of costs and physical characteristics (lot <br />sizes, setbacks, and land use mixes). These future land use map designations are situated <br />to allow for residential development that has: <br />22 <br />April 19, 2010 <br />