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Lengthy discussion ensued regarding what circumstances would be necessary in order <br />for Mr. Beuttell to develop his acreage commercially, in accordance with the new policy. <br />Director Keating advised Mr. Beuttell that he would have to do a Planned Development <br />(PD) project. <br />Following further discussion on Mr. Beuttell's situation, Chairman O'Bryan requested <br />that the Commissioners discuss this matter with staff and Mr. Beuttell, and bring it back for <br />discussion under "Commissioners Items". <br />Mr. Paladin remarked that if the subject property and the 20 acres abutting it (zoned <br />residential) were owned conjointly, Mr. Beutell would be able to develop his three acres as 100% <br />commercial. <br />Staff addressed questions from P&Z member Donna Keys and Commissioner Wheeler, <br />regarding the applicability of the mixed-use policy to mobile home parks. <br />Continuing with his review of the Future Land Use Element, Director Keating outlined <br />the revisions to the New Town Policies. <br />OBJECTIVE 1: Compact, Energy Efficient, Low -Density Development <br />Indian River County will have a compact and energy efficient land use <br />pattern; an overall low density character; and adequate land for utility facilities necessary <br />to support development. By 2030, the overall residential density of the unincorporated <br />portions of Indian River County, within the Urban Service Area, will be 1.75 units/acre. <br />POLICY 1.37: The new town land use designation shall be a floating zone which may be <br />overlaid on any property with an Agricultural Land Use designation (AG -1, AG -2, and <br />AG -3). Each new town designation shall be approved as a Planned Development (PD) <br />and shall meet the requirements of Policy 1.38. <br />(Clerk's Note: Please see Appendix A of these minutes to view Draft Policy 1.37 in its <br />entirety). <br />4 <br />April 19, 2010 <br />