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execute the letter; and (2) directed the County Attorney to send the <br />letter, amended to include the meeting dates on which discussion was <br />held on the proposed City of Vero Beach Electric Utility sale to Florida <br />Power and Light without corresponding notice on the agendas, to the <br />Florida Municipal Power Agency's (FMPA's) General Manager/CEO <br />Nicholas Guarriello and General Counsel Frederick Bryant; Patricia <br />Gleason, Attorney General's Office; Governor Rick Scott; <br />Representative Debbie Mayfield; and Senators Joe Negron and Thad <br />Altman. <br />The Chairman called a recess at 12:42 p.m., and reconvened the meeting <br />at 12:53 p.m. with all members present. <br />12:53 B. Alternatives for Indian River County for Future Lobbying Efforts 129 - <br />p.m. (memorandum dated July 8, 2014) 132 <br />Attorney Reingold recalled the Board's deliberations on July 1, 2014 <br />about creating a new staff position, `Intergovernmental Relations and <br />Grants Coordinator" to undertake lobbying efforts on behalf of the <br />County, and the subsequent direction to the County Attorney's office to <br />draft a plan that would set forth options for future lobbying efforts. <br />After providing a description and analysis of the following three options, <br />he presented staff's recommendation for the Board to have an attorney <br />in the County Attorney's office serve as the point person with one or <br />more lobbying firms during legislative session and other critical periods. <br />Option 1 <br />Create and Fund an "Intergovernmental Relations <br />and Grants Coordinator" Position <br />Option 2 <br />Delegate an attorney in the County Attorney's office <br />as the Coordinator during the legislative session and <br />other critical times <br />Option 3 <br />Have an attorney in the County Attorney's office <br />serve as the point person with one or more lobbying <br />firms during legislative session and other critical <br />periods <br />Vice Chairman Davis supported the placement of a point person in the <br />County Attorney's office, and suggested that travel money be added to <br />this year's budget for travel to Tallahassee as required. <br />Commissioner Zorc stated he would also support the point person, and <br />remarked on the importance of the County having a physical presence in <br />Tallahassee, particularly when key issues arise. <br />Chairman O'Bryan advocated for the creation of the <br />"Intergovernmental Relations and Grants Coordinator" position as the <br />most effective way to promote the County's interests. He declared that it <br />is essential to have a continual presence in Tallahassee who can form <br />Board of County Commission Minutes <br />July 15, 2014 <br />Page 12 <br />