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limited to, rental of covered or uncovered boat slips, or dock <br />space or enclosed dry storage space, lifting or launching services. <br />The term boat yards shall include marinas and boat liveries. <br />Bond - A surety instrument underwritten by a surety insurer <br />authorized to transact such business in the State of Florida. <br />Borrow Pit - Any place or premises where dirt, soil, sand, gravel, <br />or other material is removed below the grade of surrounding land <br />for any purpose other than that necessary and incidental to site <br />grading or building construction. <br />Bottle Club - A commercial premises primarily established for the <br />on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages and other materials <br />normally associated with the preparation of alcoholic beverages to <br />be consumed on-site, but not requiring an alcoholic beverage <br />license. Bottle clubs may be public or private. Other private <br />clubs such as golf and tennis clubs, health clubs, beach clubs, or <br />social membership organization, where the on-site consumption of <br />alcohol is not the primary purpose of attendance, shall not be <br />considered to be bottle clubs. <br />Breakaway Wall or Frangible Wall - A partition independent of <br />supporting structural members that will withstand designwind <br />forces, but will fail under hydrostatic, wave, and run-up forces <br />associated with the design storm surge. Under such conditions, the <br />wall shall fail in a manner such that it breaks up into components <br />that will minimize the potential for damage to life or adjacent <br />property. <br />Buffer, Opaque Feature - An additional screening requirement <br />pertaining to landscape buffers, to provide a visual screen between <br />adjacent land uses. An opaque buffer feature is intended to <br />completely exclude all visual contact between uses, to a specified <br />height (six (6) feet or three (3) feet). The opaque feature is <br />applied in conjunction with a particular buffer type, said buffer <br />type consisting of canopy/shade trees, understory and groundcover <br />(reference Chapter 926, Landscape and Buffer Ordinance). The <br />opaque feature may be composed of a wall, fence, landscaped earth <br />berm, planted vegetation, or existing vegetation, or any <br />combination thereof which maintains a completely opaque screen of <br />a specified height. The opaque feature must be opaque in all <br />seasons of the year. <br />Buffer Strip - Land area which may contain plant material, <br />vegetated berm, fencing, or other landscaping that is used to <br />separate one use from another to shield or block noise, light or <br />other nuisances, used for physical or spatial separation. (Also <br />see Screening). <br />16 <br />